
in Steem Alliancelast year

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In today's era, new changes are happening in this world day by day due to the tremendous development of technology. Metaverse is a technology developed to turn this world upside down. Due to the development of technology in today's world, it is possible to communicate with someone who is somewhere in the world, even if you have not seen them in person, you can make friends through social networking sites.

Metaverse is the next level of this website. Metaverse is a combination of the words metauniverse.Specifically, it means the digital or virtual world (virtual reality world) beyond the real world we live in.


This Metaverse was first published in 1992 in the science story Snow Crush by the writer Neal Stephenson, and in that series, he mentioned that the METAVERSE is a virtual world where people create a world for themselves and communicate with each other artificially.

Another novel based on this metaverse is Ready Player One. Director Stephen Spielberg released it as a movie in 2018. Everyone believes that the metaverse will work as it is in the movie.Even the fortnite video game that teenagers can play today is based on this metaverse.

AGUMETED REALITY, which transforms the environment we are currently living in into an imaginary environment, VIRTUAL REALITY, which makes us feel like we are in that imaginary environment, and combining these two, the metaverse is the place where people in the real world live in a virtual environment.


This technology, which is used only in games, will now allow people to choose their favorite appearance, i.e. create an avatar of ourselves and live in a fantasy world (virtual world). Analysts say that the time is not far when we will buy and create our favorite lands in this metaverse using crypto currencies.




♣ ♣ All is Well ♣ ♣


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