What is the crypto scams - How to avoid this

in Steem Alliance7 months ago

Greetings everyone,

I hope you are all well. Today I am going to talk with you about crypto scams. Crypto scams are a must-talk topic when dealing with cryptocurrency. Because now there are many crypto scams. It seems that with the development of cryptocurrencies, the fraudulent work of scammers has increased a lot.

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In decentralized platforms like steemit, fraudsters trick users into stealing their funds. Therefore, we should be very careful when dealing with our private keys.

Now let's see what crypto scams are and what are their effects.

What is the crypto scams

Crypto scams can be any type of action or actions by fraudsters to steal or acquire another user's crypto assets. This is a task that is carried out by an individual or a group of individuals. Here, fraudsters often aim to obtain personal information in the crypto wallet of the concerned person. Or fraudsters will try to trick him or her into bringing in crypto assets.

Types of crypto scams

There are several different types of crypto scams run by fraudsters.

There are several types of crypto scams such as Fake job listing scams, Giveaway scams, Blackmail and extortion scams, Business opportunity scams, Impersonation scams, Investment scams...etc... and some of these I have described below.

🔹cryptocurrency giveaway scams

This is the most popular method used by fraudsters for crypto scams. Fake advertisements are spread on discord and social media to inform about giveaways programs. Then through those ads, users are instructed to register and verify an account and fraudsters send crypto money to that account and instruct them to make a minimum deposit of $100 to receive them.

I actually have one experience with this. About a year ago, I received an ad about a bitcoin giveaway in my discord and then I believed it and went through that link and registered an account. After registering the account they sent some bitcoin to my account and asked me to make a minimum deposit of 100$ to get it. But later when I felt this was a scam, I left.

🔹Fake crypto exchanges

Fraudsters trick users into depositing money through fake crypto exchanges without any legitimacy. Therefore, it is important to check the legitimacy of a crypto exchange before registering.

🔹Employment offers and fraudulent employees

I have seen many such actions on social networks. People are tricked into registering accounts by claiming that they will provide job opportunities related to cryptocurrencies. Initially a team gives a small introduction about cryptocurrencies and then asks to deposit some money to continue the job. For this they use the names of famous institutions.

🔹Investment Scams

Here scammers contact users through email and social media and ask users to make any investment. People are deceived by falsely saying that they will get a good profit for this investment.

🔹Fake apps

Especially, most of these fake apps are games apps. Users are directed to various games by saying that they can get crypto money. But nothing really comes of it. Only fraud.

I actually have some experiences with these crypto scams and I have faced them. But I have not made any financial deposits. I have mentioned one of those experiences above.

How to avoid crypto scams

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We are working to protect against crypto scams and fraudsters are finding new ways to trick users. Therefore, it is important to be very careful about this. The following methods can be followed to protect yourself from scammers.

• You should avoid touching links that are suspicious and are said to provide cryptocurrencies. Touching such unsafe links will always cause harm.

• In cases where wallets ask for private keys, think twice before handing them over. Because legitimate companies or decentralized platforms do not request private keys like that.

• Avoid downloading mobile applications endorsed by different people. Because fraudsters conduct their scams through these things.

• Also, when going to participate in various giveaway programs, you should first check them carefully and make sure what the truth is like. Because most of such giveaways are conducted by fraudsters.

• You should be careful about the messages that come through email and discord. Because some fraudsters will send links about giveaway programs through these.


Be very careful when using cryptocurrencies. Because fraudsters can be everywhere. No one should be too trusting and work should be done mindfully. And there are many people who have lost their funds after facing such things.

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    This is an interesting post on cryptocurrency scams and how to avoid it.

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