How does Blockchain works and what is Blockchain Nodes

in Steem Alliance4 months ago
Hello Steem Alliance

How does Blockchain works and what is Blockchain Nodes

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Have you heard about Node? May be in your life you heard this word but when it comes to Crypto currency world , so it is as similar as computer which is connected to crypto currency network and it is widely used to receive, send and make information.

Many people are really confuse that what is blockchain node? What is it's use? How does it work? But if you want to know about blockchain nodes so first you must learn about what is blockchain technology? So I can tell you that it is decentralised account where no one has its particular control. You can understand in this way is it is like public accounts where all transactions is recorded.

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Blockchain plays a major role in crypto currency eco system and as well as crypto coins. Day by day, many investors are willing to join in this system and even they are joining, I am not saying that if any one want to invest their money in any crypto coins so first they have to learn all technical things but before going to start any work, it is well suggested that you must have atleast basic knowledge about system.

How many nodes are existing?

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There are 2 type of nodes basically, First One is Full nodes, second one is Light weight nodes.

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1. What is Full nodes

Full nodes is like back bone and it gives 100 % security to network, even it can download whole history of any blockchain and understand block chain's rules and follow accordingly.

2. What is light weight Nodes:

Light weight Nodes is based on Full nodes or you can say it works accordingly full nodes. It is dependent on Full nodes.

Apart from 2 Nodes, there is one more nodes is exist and that is called minor node. Well now it is well known nodes in Bitcoins. If you are very familiar with Bitcoins so You heard about this Minor nodes. It can work solo as well as in group also.

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As I told above, Nodes are usually connected to blockchain networks so these blockchain networks share all transactions information to all connected nodes always and they use to communicate each other always in their own technical language or can say computer language.

It plays major role as I said because It keeps 100% safe network and block chain nodes keeps on eye on every transaction and give it to new block to each transaction with unique I'd which is very important to recognise any transaction whenever it is needed.

India , March 13, 2024
Posted by

 4 months ago (edited)
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