Censorship In Social Media Platforms - Web3.0 Provides Solution Via Steemit

in Steem Alliance10 months ago

Is complete freedom ever going to exist? The struggle for freedom that is evident in many spheres of life is a sign of one harsh reality: censorship reigns! Everybody has the desire to live their life, choosing when to travel, eat, sleep, and spend time with loved ones. Because they are currently unable to control their lives, many people in our world still harbor this dream. There is some degree of censorship present everywhere because all these important decisions are made by someone else.


One intriguing aspect of web3 is that it is returning freedom to the rightful owners. The vast array of restrictions placed on people by others in every aspect of life indicates that web3 still has a lot of work ahead of it. Huge strides have been made thus far to curtail or eradicate censorship in the business, financial, and economic spheres, among other areas of society.

Think about the various industries that are currently experiencing censorship and how web3 is bringing freedom where it did not previously exist.

Social media censorship

Social media is rife with restrictions. To start, there are a ton of established and unestablished guidelines for using social media. The owners of the platform establish and uphold the rules. These guidelines may address platforms, political beliefs, economic outlooks, and other viewpoints in addition to good behavior. It is expected of users not to go beyond what the owners permit, or they risk being removed.

For instance, some social media platforms forbid users from expressing their opinions, particularly if those opinions conflict with the platform owners'. They are not allowed to align themselves with an organization that the platform does not support. Any account that makes an effort to criticize the current administration or reveal their unethical practices is promptly removed.

Political opinions may not be voiced due to censorship. If not, they might be seen as encouraging violence. One could interpret personal opinions as a clear assault on the platform's proprietors. User-generated content should never conflict with the platform's commercial or financial objectives.

IMG_0309.jpegMy X account Being Suspended Without Genuine Reason

Elon Musk's acquisition of X, which was formerly Twitter, is a prime example of censorship motivated by financial gain. After the business was concluded, there were some significant changes. Then there were a few heartbreaking censorship incidents. A few nice-sounding username accounts were quickly and violently removed from their original owners. They lost viewers and content because the new platform owners want to profit financially from acquiring those accounts.

All of the censorship examples listed above are present in the current social media landscape.

  • Web3.0 bringing solution via Steemit

Web3 social media is censorship resistant and built on the blockchain. Any data stored in the blockchain is always retained by it. Social media platforms running on blockchain technology inherit this immutable feature, which guarantees that data cannot be altered or erased.

The Web3 blockchain is never owned by a single person or company. Rather, it is driven by a user community. Steemit is a fantastic illustration of web3 social media. The user retains custody of the account keys after they sign up. Therefore, a copy of the passwords is not stored on the Steemit platform. Therefore, no one may take another person's account by force. This essentially means that the account and its contents are entirely under the control of the individual holding the keys.

Users of Web3 social media sites like Steemit have unrestricted access to their accounts and no content censorship. Even if your viewpoint differs from the general consensus, it is nonetheless valued. The blockchain is an immutable system where user content is posted. As a result, anyone using web3 social media is able to post anything without worrying about it being removed or account being suspended.

In summary

Censorship restricts freedom and prevents people from realizing their full potential. People are unable to express themselves when there is censorship. Rather, they are constrained by the policies of the platforms or social networks. Nonetheless, Web3 gives people a voice and empowers them. Users have the freedom to express themselves, own their data, and share content, Steemit is a big example.

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 9 months ago 

This is an interesting post from you, it is great to see that you found a way to promote steemit on twitter.

Keep sharing quality post in the community

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