State transition in blockchain technology

in Steem Alliance4 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah.....

State transitions in context of blockchain technology is my today's topic to share so I would like to you know about my maximum knowledge that I have about its basics and other things in depth of it.

State transition is a concept which is particularly useful in blockchain technology and it is defined as a process in which state of blockchain continues to evolve and development from one state to another valid State. When I talk about it in simple words then it is just like the process through which we can know that how data at a particular blockchain is changing with the passage of time.

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I want to explain basics of my topic for giving your complete understanding of state transition so we all know that every blockchain is decentralized ledger that is responsible for controlling all the transactions in terms of recording them in secure manner so each block in chain always contain multiple transactions as well as reference of previous block from which it is created.

Whenever now there would be new transaction would occur at any blockchain then it would trigger state transition. It means to say that transaction which is in its current state at blockchain is going to update for giving a reflection of new transaction which is recently added and when I talk about state then it may include different things like balances of accounts ownership records and other data which is relevant to it.

Mining is a process in through which state transition is achieved in most of the cryptocurrencies like we all know about king of all cryptocurrencies which is bitcoin so miners complete with each other for the solution of mathematical equations for the validation of transactions and for creation of new blocks.

If there is a minor who is successful in solving a mathematical equation then he would be able to propose new block to the network in this way and that block would you contain number of new transactions as well as reference of the previous block that was already present so once other participants would also participate and they would also very fine new block and new block also add to blockchain and becomes its part then the state of blockchain transitions to new state is a reflecting that transaction data is updated.

No you always thinking that is transition just about updating off current Blockchain state then my answer to this question is no because there is also an involvement of validity and integrity of whole blockchain because each block in chain is linked through a cryptographic way with previous block and that's why that chain is unbreakable in this way. In this way if someone would try to change previous block then recomputing would be negative in this way for subsequenting blocks which make the blockchain tamper resistant means blockchain is resistant towards these kind of attacks

State transition also have involvement of execution of smart contracts, that are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Smart contracts allow automation of agreements on the blockchain. If there's a smart contract which is triggered by a transaction, it would execute predefined code and would change the state automatically and accordingly.

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I am hopeful that now state transition topic in blocks in technology is very easy to understand for all of you because I tried my best to explain answers of all the basics questions that can be extracted from my topic and I start from its basics and then I go into depth according to the requirement of my topic so hopefully it is clear to you and I want to say Allah Hafiz to you all till my next topic.


 4 months ago 

Please submit your twitter link immediately

Sorry for inconvenience 🙏....Many hours ago I have uploaded my post at Twitter but forgot to copy link and share here

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