State root in blockchain technology

in Steem Alliance4 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

State root in blockchain technology is my today's topic to share so simply I will like to tell into its major concept and then I would also elaborate one of the mathematical imaginary example so that topic may be understandable for all of you.

State root is defined as current condition of a blockchain. It is just like taking snapshot of information that is stored in blockchain at a particular point.It can include different things like account balance, smart contract code and any other data which is relevant to it.

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You can say about state root that it is just summary of data which is currently available. State root is just like hash value which is the representative of information stored in blockchain and this hash value can be created by the use of mathematical algorithm which keep in account whole blockchain data.

State root have its a lot of importance because it is helpful in maintainence of integrity and security of blockchain. This is because if someone wants to change or temper any data then as each data have unique hash value for each and every state that's why any change could be easily detected. For the verification of the accuracy of the data in blockchain state root act as reference point.

State root also update itself if there is any change made in that block like if there is new transaction or block added into the blockchain then it would also update state root. So if there is some person who want to check the blockchain integrity and privacy of data then everyone is allowed to check it by comparing state root with its own calculations. If state root is similar and matching with the calculations then it shows that blockchain is very consistent and in the past it has not been tempered.

Now I want to examplify my topic state root with the help of mathematical example.

You can imagine that there is a blockchain with three blocks which are block a block b and block c and each and every block have similar data to each other like it could be their account balance it could be their transaction details and could be their contract code m

We can say that in block a state root is represented by number 1 2 3 and there is a mathematical algorithm that is responsible for keeping into account all data which is in block a.

If block b is adding into the blockchain then it possesses new information and modification of data which is existing now so it would result in like this that suppose state root of b Block is calculated as 456 finally when C Block would add to the blockchain then it would have its on data and suppose that state route of block C is 789.

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Now we have available state route of block a block b and block C as 123 456 789 respectively and each root is representative of available or current state of blockchain according to their respective block so if someone wants to verify integrity and security or privacy of blocking then he is independent in calculating state route by applying mathematical algorithm to data within each block.

So, at this point, we have three state roots: 123 for Block A, 456 for Block B, and 789 for Block C. Each state root represents the current state of the blockchain at the time of its respective block. If calculations of a particular person who is verifying blockchain integrity would match with state root of each and every block then it would give confirmation to that person that data has not being tempered in past and data is consistent.

Finally I want to say that that was all about state root in blockchain technology that what is this and how it is important in its working and then I have also elaborated my topic with the help of mathematical imaginary example so hopefully the topic is clear to all of you to understand.


 4 months ago 
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