Ring signature and it's pros and cons

in Steem Alliance5 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Ring signature 💍is one of the unique topic to share which I am going to discuss today and not only this I am also discussing it's pros and cons so let me share from the very basics and very start of it.

When I talk about rings signature then it is all about including more privacy and make your personal data more secret so in this way each and every user and member would posses their own secret keys and passwords so suppose if there is a need or requirement in which a message needs to be signed then there would be one random user who would signed it by using his own key. It is very significant to know that when the message would be signed then it would not possible to check and to determine that which user and member is behind signing of this message.

For this you can take a very simple and common examples that if you are a part of secret club where there are different friends you have then in that club each and every friend of you would have a particular key which would be used to sign messages so now if you want to send message to someone but you don't want to disclose it to everyone then ring signature would be used to keep your identity secret.

Main purpose of using ring signature is to hide your personal identity that you don't want to show while signing your message so it is just like you are hiding yourself from others so it is just like a layer of privacy and anonymity to the signature process.

In case of cryptocurrency there are many people who use ring signature and for this you can suppose that if you want to make transaction by using any cryptocurrency you can say that it is bitcoin then your transaction would be recorded at public blockchain but when you implementing signature there then transaction would be recorded but with this your identity would not show to others so in this way it protects your privacy and would be helpful in making your transaction confidential and just confined to you. Ring signatures are also widely used their privacy is considered very important like if there are secure system of messaging and voting protocols because in this way individuals trust on a particular project more and they participate more that's why adoption also increase in this way.

Now I am going to discuss with all of you that there are also some advantages and disadvantages associated with it that I am going to share.

Advantages of Ring Signatures

Privacy Protection

Ring signature are important in the protection of privacy of users by permitting users to signing a message without revealing their actual identity but they have and if there is some case in which anonymity is desired like when you are making transaction of cryptocurrencies then in this way ring signatures becomes more helpful.


Anonymity promotes when you implement and use ring signature because it becomes impossible and very difficult to determine that which is a member of group which is behind signing a message so in this way when user remains hidden then it acts extra layer of security for that particular user.

Group Membership Protection

Ring signature take care of the privacy of the individual group members by making it tough to identify that which is part of the group and it is beneficial in that scenarios in which becoming a part of specific group can have implications like legal,social and political.

Disadvantages of Ring Signatures

Potential for Misuse

When I talk about ring signatures then it can be used by malicious purposes that's why it is having a high potential for its misuse because for getting engaged in illegal activities anyone can use it because it would not show identity of that malicious person and he can do money laundering or any illegal thing by taking benefit of it.

Trust Issues

Ring signatures give a general assumptions that if there is a group then all members in it are able to trust so if a member of group is becoming compromise due to his any illegal act then it would be detrimental for the security and privacy of signature.

Computational expensiveness

When I talk about computational power of ring signatures then it is used in high amount that's why ring signatures can be very expensive when we see it computationally for generation and verification and especially if size of group is big so in this way efficiency and performance of system remain compromised by using it.

That was all about my topic in which I tried my best to explain about ring signature that what is this basically and not only this I have also explained advantages and disadvantages that are associated with it so hopefully that topic is clear to you now....


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