Quantum resistance

in Steem Alliance6 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Quantum resistance is one of the most interesting and unique topic to discuss so I am sharing it with you guys.

In general when I talk about quantum resistance then it is defined as ability of cryptographic algorithms to with stand with those attacks that are from quantum computers. When I move forward then quantum computers have ability to solve different problems that are complex in a more fast and deficient way then the classical computers and the reason is due to the ability which they have in leveraging quantum phenomena like superposition.

When I talk about traditional cryptographic algorithms like those which are used in securing online communications and transactions and all that depends upon the problems that are in their mathematical form and they are very tough to solve by the use of classical computers but when we talk about quantum computers then they have ability in breaking these complex algorithms by the use of algorithms like shor's algorithm and in this way it can efficiently factor large numbers.

When I talk about achievement of quantum resistance then for achieving it there are different researchers which are developing new cryptographic algorithms which are acting like a distance for attacking from quantum computers and these are the algorithms that are designed in a special ways particularly for its security against both classical and quantum attacks.

I always try my best to add some examples whenever I talk about some new terminologies then this is new topic that's why I want to give an example also so for understanding the example of quantum resistant algorithm you can keep in mind lattice based cryptography. When I talk about different things at which it can base then these are mathematical problems that are linked with that lattice that are just like structures formed by points in space.Lattice based cryptography offers a lot of security and privacy and it is also act as a resistance for attacks from both type of computers either they are classical and quantum computer.

When I talk about another one of the most interesting and important approach then multivariate cryptography is another one of the most interesting and significant approach that we can consider here and it is based on solving system of polynomial equations and these are the equations that are tough to solve but not only for classical computers also for quantum computers so this cryptography is going to provide more high level and different level of security than that are traditional but still research is going on, on it.

If I say that quantum resistant algorithms are complete then it is totally wrong to save because with the passage of time as there is evolvement in everything so it is also developing by receptors and evaluated with the passage of time so researchers are working very carefully for giving more security and efficiency before they widely adopt it. When I talk about transition of quantum resistant algorithms then they require very careful planning and coordination for giving more security to digital infrastructure.

Now I want to conclude all my discussion whatever I have told you in simple words that quantum resistance is all about development of some particular algorithms that prevent you and give you security from attacks of quantum computers and their are different new approaches that are developing by the surgers and their still exploring and working on it as I have give you an example also and I have told about its adoption also that why it is important and how working is going on, on it. Now I am very hopeful that the topic is very clear to you..


 6 months ago 
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