Find-HF - Artificial Intelligence will Detect Heart Problems

in Steem Alliance4 months ago


Hello friends,

How are you all? Hope everyone is well and healthy. Alhamdulillah, I am fine and healthy. Trying to be very colorful and lively on the third anniversary of my Bengali blog. Accomplishing something gives great motivation just as excitement is created in our heart. The dynamism in life comes back anew.

However, just as we are getting weaker due to various problems in life, in the same way, there are new ways to diagnose various problems in the whole world. But now the technology excellence is trying to bring more innovation in medical services. Research has become more dynamic, especially with artificial intelligence, and everyone is becoming more and more attentive to new things. Already great success is coming in many cases.

In many areas of medical science, the use of artificial intelligence is now being emphasized, so that problems can be diagnosed more quickly, and after an accurate diagnosis, action can be taken quickly. Then, at least in some cases, quick steps can be taken to solve many physical problems of people and it will be convenient to diagnose the weaknesses. Especially in heart problems.


A large number of people in every country of the world suffer from heart problems and every year people die due to delay in diagnosis. Therefore, efforts to use artificial intelligence to diagnose heart failure or problems continue to be made in many countries. A large number of people are suffering from heart problems, especially in the UK. And so researchers at the University of Leeds have created a new AI model called 'Find-HF'.

It will also detect early cardiac problems and thereby pave the way for early treatment and awareness of the problem as well as quick recovery with effective medication. This artificial intelligence based 'Find-HF' AI model is very powerful and capable of diagnosing patient problems quickly. Therefore, it can play an effective role in the diagnosis of the disease at the beginning of the problem, claims the researcher of the University of Leeds.

We also want to believe that artificial intelligence will open new horizons in this great advancement of technology and will be able to diagnose patients at an early stage. We can act quickly on problems and people's confidence in treatment will be restored to a greater degree. The price of life is very high indeed, but it is certainly in terms of health. And technology is playing a great role in maintaining wellness.

Information Source ProthomAlo

Image taken from Pixabay 1 and 2

Thanks all again.

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