Roles of Smart Contracts in DApps

in Steem Alliancelast year

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Last week we talked about Blockchain technology and its roles in DApps. Today, I'll be deliberating on Smart Contracts and its roles in DApps which are essential components of Blockchain as a whole.

Smart Contracts and its roles in DApps

Smart Contracts are contracts that are executed automatically with predefined conditions and rules which are this encoded on a Blockchain. Once these conditions are met, the contract is automatically executed, ensuring transparency in transactions.

Smart Contracts are written in programming languages for certain Blockchain platforms like Ethereum which uses Solidity programming language. They don't need intermediaries to automate transactions carried out. This is what adds to the beauty of smart contracts. How then is it related to DApps?

Smart Contracts in DApps enable features such as facilitating financial transactions, managing digital and even enforcing rules assets. They also ensure transparency and traceability of certain services that's why DApps leverage on smart contracts.

  • Automation: Smart Contracts enable DApps to automatically execute transactions and other processes based on the predefined rules or conditions. Until these conditions in smart contracts are met, the contract can't be executed automatically as earlier said. This automation reduces costs and enhances efficiency as well. It also eliminate human's intervention on these transactions.

  • Validation and Data Storage: Data recorded by smart contracts can be verified and even audited by all and not exclusive to a particular entity. This ensures trust and transparency. It also stores data on the Blockchain to avoid tampering.

  • Consensus and Security: Smart contracts solely rely on consensus mechanism of the Blockchain which includes pow, DPos, Post and the likes to validate transactions upon the state of the network. This consensus mechanism ensures that before smart contracts are validated and executed, all Participants in the DApp must reach a consensus, preventing malicious activities.

  • Facilitates Transactions:
    Smart contracts does this by providing a secure mechanism for value of exchange which defines the conditions for transacting digital assets without intermediaries.

  • Enforcement on Agreements_ Smart Contracts ensures that all Participants in the DApp follow the rules encoded in the contract. By removing intermediaries such as banks, smart contracts provide a medium where execution of agreements are done as programmed.


Examples of smart contract functionalities in DApps
  • Tokenization: The evolvement of smart contracts makes it possible for tokens to be created and managed on certain blockchain platforms. Example of projects involving tokenization are Kickstarter, ICO.

  • Decentralized Finance protocols: DApps uses smart contracts to automate financial processes or operations such as lending, and even borrowing without intermediaries.

  • Decentralized Exchanges known today as DEX leverage on smart contracts to enhance token trading that's peer-to-peer. These smart exchanges in DEX handles token swap as we have pancake swap, and liquidity provision for trading digital assets without any central authority.

  • Gaming and Non-fungible tokens_: NFT marketplaces are powered by smart contracts

  • Authentication: Smart contracts opens an opportunity its supports where users can control or have sovereignty over their own personal information, ensuring data privacy, secure authentication and even managing digital identities without need for intermediaries.

Advantages and disadvantages of DApps

In as much as DApps have importance on the Blockchain itself, it also have disadvantages.

DApps is decentralized on networks, eliminating need for central authorities or even intermediaries which ensures trust, transparency and even reduces risk to censorship.DApps may be scalable as blockchains is limited to processing high volume of transactions which can as well increase costs and slow transaction speed.
DApps provides financial services to those either working on financial institutions or not. Finances are inclusive as they allow direct access to services now.There are limitations on DApps and Blockchain networks interoperability which may require additional development on the end of these DApps.
Users can control their digital assets, data and even identitie. This is because they have full ownership and sovereignty over these information compared to those of centralized medium.Transactions are very much irreversible which poses a challenge in terms of errors and the likes of them.

In conclusion, DApps are undoubtedly driving innovative, disruption traditional system in some way and even eliminating intermediaries towards achieving a more decentralized future where transparency and trust abounds.


Disclaimer: Any financial and crypto market information provided in this post was written for informational purposes only and does not constitute 100% investment advice. It's just basic knowledge every crypto trader or investor should have.

 last year 

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  • Review:
    You have chosen a nice topic and you have explained some part in details and some explanation bare shallow.

Your explanation to gaming and nft as an example of smart contracts is shall.
Your advantages and dis-advantages of Dapps should have been written differently, tabulating them makes it look like a comparison between the both

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