From || What is Mention?

in Steem Alliance2 years ago (edited)


How are you all. I hope everybody is well. I am also well by grace of Almighty Allah.

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Today I bring you another important topic Today I will share with you some more things from Yesterday I published about Stats of Today I am going to reveal to you about Mention.

Many of us have heard the word Mention And many of us are familiar with this word Generally, we understand as Mention to add someone, that is, if you post something, then someone can be mentioned there Mention can also be made in other areas as well.

We mention this on other platforms as well Think we are posting on Facebook if we have friends there then we mention them there Mention them so they can see it better Some of our post and post securities also go to them If someone likes and comments on us, he will see the person we have mentioned He will also get a notification that I have mentioned him.

Also mentioned on this platform We can mention anyone in our post And he will get a notification that we have mentioned him Besides, someone can mention us If someone mentions us then we will also get a notification And if we are mentioned by many people together then there is a very easy process to see it That is From we will enter Mentions when we touch here we will see who mentioned us.

When we log in here we will see who mentioned us and where they mentioned us It is a very simple process If multiple accounts mention us, we can see the names of those accounts and where we have been mentioned. If our name is mentioned in any contest then we can see it and also if we are mentioned in any report then we can see it.

Sometimes our name is not notified when we mention it in some reports In that case we can adopt this method If we enter here we can see all the mentions Even the ones we don't see in the notification we can see here Also we can see the place where we are mentioned If we are mentioned in any post then we can enter there The link will be given there If any report is mentioned in the post then we can see it by entering this link and if our name is mentioned in any contest then we can see it by entering that link.

After entering Mention from we can see all this and it is very easy for us It will happen in a very short time If we want to see all our mentions at once then we can enter them here which is very time consuming.

Thanks for advance to see my post. If there is anything wrong, please tell me. Also see this post with your forgivable eye.

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