It never feels as original and as oldschool as pulling out a map to know your way out.

It never feels as original and as oldschool as pulling out a map to know your way out.

Beach Swing

Santorini Streets

aerial photo of mountains surrounded with body of water during golden hour

people gathering beside brown cathedral

While we were on the Greek island of Zakynthos, we made a point to go see a sunrise at the unreal overlook. So, we wrapped up in our blankets because apparently it’s cold in Greece at night, and drug ourselves to the other side of the island at 5am. Shipwreck didn’t disappoint. There’s no such this as a bad picture of this beach. It’s so much more beautiful in person, but this photo is the closest I could get to it. And yes, the water is really that blue. It looks like someone dumped food coloring in it in real life too.

Tribal canoe

Dry Land

Take a seat


This post was set up automatically by a bot to loot the reward pool. The members run a circle jerk over bots here

Everyone wants to squeeze the last cent out of Steem and thus harm Steem. All have switched to HIVE and have also distanced themselves from Stem.

Remember exactly these names and especially who distributes the votes, block them, mutate them or write them what you think of them. You don't need such people on Steem and you certainly don't want to have anything to do with such people on Hive either.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von einem Bot automatisiert eingestellt um den Reward Pool zu plündern. Die Mitglieder betreiben hier einen Circle-Jerk über Bots

Alle wollen den letzten Cent aus Steem quetschen und so Steem schaden. Alle sind zu HIVE gewechselt und haben sich auch zu Stem distanziert.

Merkt euch genau diese Namen und vor allem wer die Vote verteilt.Blockiert sie, Mutet sie oder schreibt ihnen was ihr von ihnen haltet. Solche Leute braucht man nicht auf Steem und auch sicherlich wollt ihr auf Hive mit solchen Leuten auch nichts zu tun haben wollen.

Hi @greece-lover,
Thank you for openly supporting us in our mission to curate greate photos while using our stake that we legally own as we want.

Please enjoy our small gift.

The Project.Photo Community

The account @ belongs to the operators of the Circle Jerk
Der Account gehört den Betreibern des Circle-Jerk

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