Sing and play week 164 - "Guitarra Suena Mas bajo" Nicola di Bari cover by @jeanfrancopit

       Ante todo reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte, gracias a dios mi conseguí en esta plataforma una ventana para proyectar unas de las cosas que amo como hacer música, hoy por primera vez me uno a esta grandiosa comunidad para compartir este tema musical del italiano Nicola di Bari uno de los cantautores que mas me gusta, la canción lleva por nombre "Guitarra Suena Mas bajo" en su versión en español, espero la disfruten tanto como yo.

cortina seemit pit.jpg

      First of all receive a cordial greeting from me, thank God I got a window on this platform to project some of the things that I love like making music, today for the first time I join this great community to share this musical theme by Italian Nicola Di Bari one of the singer-songwriters that I like the most, the song is named after "Guitar Sounds Lower" in its Spanish version, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

cortina seemit pit.jpg

Guitarra suena más bajo (Español)

Nicola di Bari

Guitarra suena más bajo
Que alguien puede oírte
Quiero me lleves muy suave
Todo el amor que yo siento
Y nadie debe saberlo

Cantan los grillos del campo
Y un pájaro en el ramo
Ninguno duerme esta noche
Tampoco ella que a esta hora
Suspira aprieta la almohada

La luna firme en el cielo
Me roza con sus rayos
Guitarra mía sueña mas bajo
Aunque se asienta la mano
Sueña guitarra ya es hora

La hora de darle todo el bien que hay mi alma
Ceñirla con mi brazo y protegerla
Y así amarla como nadie puede

La hora de respirar el sol con aire puro
Un prado es verde cuando es primavera la noche viaja
Y el sol me deja junto ha mi amor

Me tiene ahora en su seno
La noche huele a heno
Dios como late su pecho
La gente sueña ha esta hora
Duerme guitarra ya es hora

cortina seemit pit.jpg

Guitar sounds lower

Nicola di Bari

Guitar sounds lower
That someone can hear you
I want you to take me very soft
All the love that I feel
And no one should know

The crickets of the field sing
And a bird in the bouquet
No one sleeps tonight
Neither does she who at this time
Sigh tightens the pillow

The firm moon in the sky
It brushes me with its rays
My guitar dreams lower
Though the hand sits
Dream guitar, it's about time

The time to give you all the good that there is my soul
Gird her with my arm and protect her
And so love her like nobody can

Time to breathe the sun with pure air
A meadow is green when it is spring the night travels
And the sun leaves me together with my love

She has me now in her bosom
The night smells like hay
God how your chest beats
People dream at this time
Sleep guitar, it's about time

Bendiciones y éxitos para todos

Blessings and successes to all


Nice rendition!
I'm from Bari and I like Nicola di Bari, hahaha.

I imagine that you should feel honored by such a character that a reference in romantic music, I have many friends and family who love his songs, and I hope you like my humble interpretation, greetings and blessings.

11/11/2021, 11:55:51

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 9623023

From: @donatello
To: @jeanfrancopit

Amount: - 3 DAM

Memo: For Sing and play week 164 - As you know this event is not supported by other curators and it means that I spend a lot of time on this event without being appreciated. You can create your post for Sing and play week 165 even if the event is not announced.

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