#Gaugan IA Contest week 15 : Forgotten Pyramids || Pirámides Olvidadas ⛰

in Bitcoin MYK5 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #15 on Steemit counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

Ésta es mi participación en el concurso Gaugan IA semana #15 en Steemit dirigido por @steemean ( Jimbo) un chico de 6 años ayudado por su padre.

It was a crazy week of testing new things for my live music sessions project. I bought a mixer that was not exactly what I was needing but I finally know what it is. A new one is coming (hopefully) and it will allow me to make things easier and in a proper way. Fortunately the shop made me the oportunity to return the old one.

Una semana intensa probando cosas nuevas para mi proyecto de sesiones de música en directo. Compré una mesa de mezclas que no era exactamente la adecuada para el trabajo pero al menos ahora sé lo que necesito. Esta semana llega una nueva (eso espero) que me permitirá hacer las cosas de una manera adecuada y fácil. Afortunadamente la tienda me ha dado la oportunidad de devolverla.

I got a lot of ideas for the contest but couldn't get enough time to test them all. Anyways a new technique has come to my mind and applied it to this drawing. It's not that you can think of something and you can easily get it done, the app has it's limitations and you have to play with the whole thing to get what you're looking for.
I love devastated and desert landscapes that look to me rather suggestive and mysterious. Here you are the result this time:

Tengo un montón de ideas para este concurso pero no he podido encontrar el tiempo necesario para probarlas todas. En cualquier caso se me ha ocurrido una nueva técnica y la he aplicado en este dibujo. Esto no es tan sencillo como pensar en algo y conseguirlo fácilmente, la aplicación tiene sus limitaciones y tienes que andar jugando con todo para conseguir lo que andas buscando.
Me gustan los paisajes desolados y desérticos que me resultan bastante sugerentes y misteriosos. Aquí os traigo el resultado esta vez:

Output result (Resultado final)


Input drawing (Dibujo de partida)


Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

Demos atención y cariño a los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad, se lo merecen!

It couldn't be without music! 😁

No puede ser sin música! 😁

Take part and give it a try there are great prizes thanks to @upmewhale and @appreciator as well as some humble boost from @brittandjosie and myself. Here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:

Pruébalo y participa, hay interesantes premios gracias a @upmewhale y @appreciator así como un humilde estímulo de @brittandjosie y yo mismo. Instrucciones aquí:


Here you can find a quick nice tutorial:

Aquí puedes encontrar un buen tutorial rápido y fácil:

@marblely's post || post de @marblely

Love n’hugs to all ❤️



This one really came out nice!

I hope the new mixer will fit your needs.

Nice was that you came @saboin
It’s supposed to come with PFL buttons so that will do the job...the answer is: will it come on time for my Saturday session? Fingers crossed...
Have great week start.
Hugs and love over there 🤗

thanks for posting in the BTCMYK group! Rewards sent!

Ooo the sunrise or sunset effect in the background is very nice! You are getting so good at this @drakernoise! Love how it turned out. It really looks like pyramids. Beautiful!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @marblely, that effect it's not really something I could control but something achieved by changing my selection of the images strip .
Thanks so much for being always around with your support and kind words my friend.
Best wishes for your week.
Hugs and love ❤️

The scenery is very impressive @drakernoise.


Thanks so much for stepping by @eii...I love your coffe! 😁
Hugs 🤗

Esa pirámide quedó estupenda, piedra sobre piedra color sobre color, me encantó este trabajo tan bonito @drakernoise

Te apoyamos, @drakernoise

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