#Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit | week 13 : Volcano At Night || #Concurso Gaugan IA en Steemit | semana 13 : Volcán En La Noche

in Bitcoin MYK4 years ago

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #13 on Steemit counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

Ésta es mi participación en el concurso Gaugan IA semana #13 en Steemit dirigido por @steemean ( Jimbo) un chico de 6 años ayudado por su padre.

More stress during this week. As always I couldn't make the post until today. I sometimes watch tv during my lunch, the other day it was a program about volcanos and that remained recorded in my mind. So here you are my version of a volcano view during the night, they may be amazing:

Esta semana también estuvo llena de estrés. Como siempre no pude hacer mi post hasta hoy. A veces veo la televisión durante la comida, el otro día ví un programa de volcanes y aquello se me quedó grabado en mi mente. Así que aquí tenéis mi versión de una vista nocturna de un volcán, por la noche pueden ser impresionantes:

Output result (Resultado final)


Input drawing (Dibujo de partida)


Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

Demos atención y cariño a los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad, se lo merecen!

It couldn't be without music! 😁

No puede ser sin música! 😁

Take part and give it a try there are great prizes thanks to @upmewhale and @appreciator as well as some humble boost from @brittandjosie and myself. Here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:

Pruébalo y participa, hay interesantes premios gracias a @upmewhale y @appreciator así como un humilde estímulo de @brittandjosie y yo mismo. Instrucciones aquí:


Here you can find a quick nice tutorial:

Aquí puedes encontrar un buen tutorial rápido y fácil:

@marblely's post || post de @marblely

Love n’hugs to all ❤️



Thanks for Posting to the BTCMYK group 50 BTCMYK tokens rewarded!

Estupendo que te quedo que bonito trabajo @drakernoise

Thanks for Posting to the BTCMYK group 20 BTCMYK tokens rewarded!

Gracias @sacra97 por tus palabras y apoyo ❤️

Hola amigo. Me encantó la degradación de ese tono rojo. Quedó muy lindo

Thanks for Posting to the BTCMYK group 20 BTCMYK tokens rewarded!

Muchas gracias @antoniarhuiz, la verdad que probé muchas cosas antes de llegar a esto, no he sabido o no he podido darle algunos toques que pretendía pero bueno seguiré explorando esta entretenida herramienta.
Abrazos y besos ❤️

It looks magnificently scary with its larva spewing. What a beautiful piece and a good reminder of the powers above! I love your imagination :)
As always, a lovely song accompaniment. Love the sounds of cello and the strumming of the guitar.

Thanks for Posting to the BTCMYK group 20 BTCMYK tokens rewarded!

Thanks so much for your words, visit and support.
I wished to add more details to give it more realism but couldn’t achieve it after long tries. Well maybe with time I’ll learn how to get those details.
Hugs and best wishes for this new week ❤️

That's a beautiful volcano.
Gaugan makes real artists better.:)

I tried to add more things to make it more realistic but I couldn’t achieve it. Well maybe with time I’ll find the way.
Thanks so much for your visit and your kind words Jimbo (steemean)!
My best wishes for your week, big hugs 🤗

Thanks for Posting to the BTCMYK group 20 BTCMYK tokens rewarded!

You artist you hahahah thanks for being awsome

No awesomeness is all yours, thanks for stopping by and your support!
Hugs and love ❤️ @brittandjosie