#Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit | week 11 : The Doorway To Another Dimension || #Concurso Gaugan IA en Steemit | semana 11 : La Entrada A Otra Dimensión

in Bitcoin MYK4 years ago

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #11 on Steemit counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

Ésta es mi participación en el concurso Gaugan IA semana #11 en Steemit dirigido por @steemean ( Jimbo) un chico de 6 años ayudado por su padre.

Continuing my exploration journey on this great tool...

Continúo mi viaje exploratorio con esta gran herramienta...

I use to think of a concept, a thing, and idea or a remember to just start my drawing. This time I was thinking on a mirror that I saw. It was alike the one drew here. As I couldn't use wood I used stone and water. I ended up with this after changing the picture on the photo strip :

Yo suelo pensar en un concepto, una cosa, una idea o un recuerdo para empezar a dibujar. Esta vez pensaba en un espejo que ví. Es parecido en la forma al dibujado aquí. Como no podía usar madera elegí piedra y agua. El resultado final es éste después de cambiar la foto base eligiendo una de la tira de imágenes posibles :

Output result (Resultado final)


Input drawing (Dibujo de partida)


Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

Demos atención y cariño a los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad, se lo merecen!

It couldn't be without music! 😁

No puede ser sin música! 😁

Take part and give it a try, here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:

Pruébalo y participa. Instrucciones aquí:


Here you can find a quick nice tutorial:

Aquí puedes encontrar un buen tutorial rápido y fácil:

@marblely's post || post de @marblely

Love n’hugs to all ❤️



I like how this one turned out. It's a portal to other dimensions. I like the idea. It looks like something that could be from a fantasy movie.

Your post has been curated by the bitcoin myk project. Tokens are available for this account you can trade for steem at: https://steem-engine.com/


You earned an easy 50 BTCMYK

Such stuff you can get out of your drawings with this always amazing tool.
You can try and idea that may result in something beautifully unexpected.
Thanks for coming @saboin, wish you the best on this coming week.
Hugs and love over there ❤️

Your post has been curated by the bitcoin myk project. Tokens are available for this account you can trade for steem at: https://steem-engine.com/. Join our curation priority list to earn more tokens by registering at:


post in our steem group earn double the amount of tokens at: https://www.bitcoinmyk.com/social-media-2/

Visit our discord at: https://discordapp.com/channels/523971711733858364/523971711733858366

Bitcoin MYK

You earned an easy 200 BTCMYK

Thanks so much for your support @bearbear613 😉

Thanks my friend for your beautiful Gaugan.
A portal for another planet. :)
My father explained now the name of the music.
Not a planet, but our head.

Thanks for stepping by Jimbo...it can be those things too. It’s our imagination which opens that door.
Gaugan adds this flavour to our drawing ideas 😁
Hope you have a great week start!
Hugs over there ❤️

Your post has been curated by the bitcoin myk project. Tokens are available for this account you can trade for steem at: https://steem-engine.com/


You earned an easy 50 BTCMYK

Wow reminds me of Stargate! Very nice! I like how mystical it looks, floating on clouds with clouds as the mirror.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your post has been curated by the bitcoin myk project. Tokens are available for this account you can trade for steem at: https://steem-engine.com/


You earned an easy 50 BTCMYK

Yeah it could be perfectly. The final result I think allows multiple interpretations and that was decisive for me to keep it as an entry to this funny contest.
Thanks so much for coming @marblely.
Best wishes for this new week.
Love’n hugs over there ❤️

Una publicación encantadora, con el bello objetivo de apoyar a los jóvenes en Steemit, @drakernoise.
Debemos apoyar también a @marblelly por la iniciativa.
Les dejamos nuestros aplausos.

A lovely post, with the beautiful goal of supporting young people in Steemit, @drakernoise.
We must also support @marblelly for the initiative.
We leave our applause.

Publicación curada manualmente por Club12

¡¡¡Vamos por más!!!

También puedes seguirnos en el discord de RadioSteemit

¡¡¡Canal de discord RadioSteemit!!!

Muchas gracias por vuestras palabras y el apoyo a mi trabajo.
¡Vamos por más! 😁
Abrazos a todo el equipo @club12 ❤️

A true artist is born hahah

You doubted it ? 🤣

Hahahahaha no but I can tell my friends that I have an artist friend now 😉