#Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit | week 10 : The Secret Beach || #Concurso Gaugan IA en Steemit | semana 10 : La Playa Secreta

in Bitcoin MYK5 years ago

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #10 on Steemit counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

I wished this app would include things like ships, boats, animals and other stuff to play with. Anyways I love it!

This time I thought about where I would like to be at the moment, I think you've just guessed it, a secret beach with a forest where I would stay and rest when it's hot :

Ésta es mi participación en el concurso Gaugan IA semana #10 en Steemit dirigido por @steemean ( Jimbo) un chico de 6 años ayudado por su padre.

Desearía que esta aplicación tuviera cosas como barcos, barcas, aimales y otras cosas con las que poder jugar. De cualquier manera, me encanta!

Esta vez pensaba dónde me gustaría estar en aquel momento, creo que ya lo habéis supuesto, una playa secreta con un bosque cercano en el que descansar cuando haga calor :

Output result (Resultado final)


Input drawing (Dibujo de partida)


Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

It couldn't be without music! 😁
This time I bring to you the "Panacea" original theme by a well known steemian, @isaria.

Demos atención y cariño a los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad, se lo merecen!

No puede ser sin música! 😁
Esta vez os traigo el tema original "Panacea" de una steemian bien conocida, @isaria.

Take part and give it a try, here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:


Here you can find a quick nice tutorial:
@marblely's post

Pruébalo y participa. Instrucciones aquí:


Aquí puedes encontrar un buen tutorial rápido y fácil:
post de @marblely

Love n’hugs to all ❤️



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Oo I would love to go to that beach. Hidden from everything else. And the sea is so blueeee! So relaxing just thinking about it 😍

Posted using Partiko iOS

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Yeah... I’d love to be there instead of suffering the cold weather and our stressed lives.
Thousand times thanks to you dear @marblely ❤️

I will go to the contest and try it

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How nice that you came 😁
It would be so cool that you get encouraged and give it a try. If you have any doubt please ask me.

Your participation is welcome. :)

This is like a magic window to a paradise. :) Nice work!

Hey @insaneworks it was just my intention 😁
Thanks so much for coming and your support.
Love and hugs over there ❤️

Almost forgot: !DERANGED

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That program makes interesting "paintings". Hehe!

That's probably what the beach would look like if you ate a certain kind of mushrooms while you were there. :-D

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Most probably dear @saboin hahaha
Thanks so much for coming dear @saboin.
Love’n hugs over there ❤️