SteemFoods Contest -34-| Prepare Delicious and Creative Vegan Recipe | Ginataang Gulay / Mixed Vegetables in Coconut Milk

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Greetings to all the food-lovers here in our community #SteemFoods. I am @saneunji from the Philippines and as always I am very pleased to take part of the weekly contest in the community initiated by #steemitfoods and sir @alikoc07. My respect is with you dear sir for actively keeping this community alive and engaging.

What is Vegan/Veganism?

This is the pratice of abstaining from using animal products. Dietary vegans, also known as "strict vegetarians", refrain from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products, and any other animal-derived substances.

This week's theme " Vegan Recipe " is quite simple and easy to prepare because almost all the ingredients in this recipes are available in the local market and can be found in the garden if you are practical enough to plant and grow your own vegetables. These are the kind of recipes that we people should consume daily especially this time of pandemic, wherein we need to be healthy and financially wise with our expenses. Vegan recipes are not just delicious but also healthy and beneficial because it's all natural and most of all it's economical.

Today I would like to share to you my simple and easy Vegan Recipe.

Ginataang Gulay / Mixed Veggies in Coconut Milk



One of my most favorite recipe that I learned from my mother who usually cook this dish for the family. I chose this recipe because we Filipinos really love dishes with coconut milk. For me personally, it's very appetizing.

And here are the ingredients and the preparation of my recipe.


IngredientsPrice ($)
Green Beans$0.20
Cauli Flower$1.04
Coco Mama Fresh Gata$0.93


• First, prepare all the ingredients needed then saute garlic, onion, ginger and tomato


• Add squash and green beans. Add small amount of water then cover and let it simmer for few minutes.


• Once the squash is slightly tender add Coco Mama Fresh Gata and seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and let it simmer again for few minutes.


• Then lastly add the cauli flower and the spinach and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.


Finally, our ginataang gulay is cooked. Best serve it with rice while it's still hot.



That would be all for my Vegan Recipe. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Until next time guys. God speed!!. ☺️


I would like to invite my friends to drop their recipes too:


 3 years ago 

Perfect 👏👏 kalami sa ginataan daii,, bukid feels napud ko,, 😀

 3 years ago 

Heheheh aweehhh...ali day naa pa dri.

Hala kalami ana te oy bahala di ko mokaon hahaha. Nice kaayo pagka capture pud 😊

 3 years ago 

Di ka mokaon ug naay tuno day?

 3 years ago 

Hi, @saneunji and thank you for these nice recipe and post. I loved how you present your recipe the finished dish definitely looks yummy. From now on, I'm fond of ginataang gulay ❤️ Good luck! 😊

 3 years ago 

Thank you maam @marlyncabrera for appreciating my work 😍

Kalame sa ginataan

 3 years ago 

Hello : @saneunji

Thank you very much for sharing the delicious and creative vegan recipe you prepared for the competition in the SteemFoods Community in detail. We will vote for this post with one of the booming accounts. :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much sir. 😍

Wow..ka nice oi wa pako katilaw ani promise sige ko huna2 unsa kaha lami ani..gae nalang ko be? Hehehe

Thank you for participating the steemfoods-vegan contest @saneunji

 3 years ago 

Ass in sir?..mas lami jud xa kong katong fresh na coconut milk jud ang gamiton katong kudkuron pa..hehhehe

 3 years ago 

Hello : @saneunji

Your participation in the contest I organized with the #steemfoods-vegan tag has been successfully approved. Thank you very much for sharing your delicious and creative Vegan Recipe that you prepared without using animal food in the SteemFoods Community in detail. Keep participating in the competitions I organize in the SteemFoods Community. :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir. Rest assured that I will try my best to participate in every activities here in SteemFoods.

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