We are far from achieving it, but we have hope | SteemFoods Contest -20-

in SteemFoods3 years ago


In my country, as much as it hurts, I admit the idea of ​​a SteemCoffee shop is not feasible, despite the fact that many Venezuelan colleagues earn their living through the internet and have access to cryptocurrencies, it is quite difficult for a business to accept that today. type of transactions, not to mention that it becomes obvious that the average citizen could not "afford" to spend money on a cup of coffee. That said, there is hope.

Something that if there is enough in my country are the small informal shops, they are located from downtown areas to even the shores of national roads, they usually sell a wide variety of national and international brand products and also artisan products. Sweets, empanadas, arepas, meats, soups, fish ... EVERYTHING you can imagine can be sold in these small stalls of approximately 5x3 meters.

So, what I would do would be to expand the idea of ​​the SteemCoffee shop a bit and turn it into SteemShop & Coffee. It would be a place where you could go to do your daily shopping, with the difference that if you pay with Steem or Sbd, you would have a coffee as a gift with your purchase. Sounds very crazy? Yes. Although if we stop to think, in many Latin American countries the use of cryptocurrencies or even electronic dollars is not common, in Mexico it would be the closest thing to an advanced country in this part of the world, the best known wallet is Paypal and all we know the great disadvantages that this entails.

For me, the best way to integrate the use of Steem in daily transactions is to do it progressively in non-specialized businesses, the first thing would be to get people interested, teach them what it is about and even teach them how to generate in the platform. This seems very easy, because we are already part of the system, although for someone who works 8 hours a day in an office or building walls as a bricklayer, it will be completely meaningless. Now, I can bet that those people are the ones with the best stories to contribute to the platform, so teaching them what it is about would enrich the whole system.

Obviously this would positively affect the stability of the price of the currency, because we would not have to depend on exchange houses, which very usually take a large percentage of the real value, then when people begin to realize that what they have In their wallet, it is being accepted at the real and stable value, they will begin to withdraw less. For example, whoever got 10 Sbd a week will now only get 7. This doesn't seem like much, but we're talking about 30% less.

If you multiply that 30% by 500,000 Venezuelans who use Steemit as sustenance to live, we would be talking about the fact that 1,500,000 Sbd would stop selling in just one week. Which would eventually generate a demand that could easily shoot the price of Sbd above $ 25 per unit.

In short, is the idea a good one? YES, although in my country it would already be very difficult for a specialized store to be successful, then I think it would be best to start small, trying to diversify income as much as possible and eventually, after having made the payment system known, go giving priority to certain products. I believe that it could also be a pretty good tool for those who are dedicated to doing travel and tourism Post, since they would have more possibility of buying in different places nationwide, without having to depend on the scarce bolivar in cash and the overvalued American dollar.

I did not know if I should put a photo of myself identifying myself, so I put the name of the contest and my at sign in the name of the 3D file (Top left of the image) Added to that, I leave my Post of Achievement 1

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