🍅🥫 Tomato concentrate and passata 🥫🍅steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemFoods3 years ago


Hello Steemitfoods community!

Today I'll tell you how to make home made tomato concentrate and passata. It's very simple but it takes a lot of time, so I would recommend you make more jars in advance, store it for the nearest half a year or longer and use a jar or two whenever you will need it.

Versions of concentrate and passata which are sold in the supermarkets are full of preservatives. It's artificially flavoured and unhealthy. I do recommend you home-made concentrate instead.

You can use passata as the base for your sauces, to the pizza or as the ready meal to eat with pasta.
Tomato concentrate works well with the tomato soup, sauces and home made ketchups.

🍅 Tomatoes
🍅 Salt, sugar
🍅 Oil

I used 8 kg of tomatoes and received 2l of Passata and 0.7l of tomato concentrate



Peel the tomatoes. To do it, burn it shortly in a hot water before. In that way the skin will easily be removed from the tomatoes.


Boil tomatoes in the big pot. Watch out to not burn it. You can squeeze tomatoes a bit to release the juice from it and/or add few spoons of water. If you will add too much water, it will need much more time to be ready though.


Add 1 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of salt for each 2-3 kg of tomatoes. Boil until at least 1/3 of the tomato juice will evaporate, mixing it from time to time, then blend it all with the blender.
Boiling should take 1-2 hours, depends what kind of tomatoes do you use. The best kind of tomatoes for passata and concentrate are the long ones, as they are much less juicy.


Prepare the jars and taps. Burn it in the hot water to sterilize it. Remember that jars which will not be perfectly clean will destroy your preserves.


Put the hot passata in the jars and close it well. Leave some part of tomatoes for the concentrate.


After closing the jars, pasteurize it for approx 30 minutes in the boiling water. Then put it upside-down until it will cool. If the jars are leeking, change the tap and close it well again. In that case you have to repeat pasteurization.


Tomato concentrate boil for another 1-2 hours until the moment when the consistency of tomatoes satisfy you. Now you will have to mix it much more often, in the last half an hour constantly.


Put the concentrate in some small jars and add a spoon of oil on the top. It will help to keep concentrate humid as the oil will block the access to the air.


Pasteurize the jars for 15-20 minutes in the boiling water but then do not turn it upside down to not mix the oil with tomatoes.

It's ready.

Store it in the cool place, away from sunlight. It can be stored up to one year but after opening the jar, keep it in the fridge and use in 3 days.

All the photos included in the post belongs to me.

If you want to know me better, here is my achievement 1 

Thank you for reading,


 3 years ago 

Felicidades excelente preparación ya lo voy a preparar mucho éxito amigo.

muy impresionante. tomates saludables, los procesa con sabores deliciosos, ingredientes simples, los procesa y hace que la apariencia sea muy extraordinaria. La fruta de tomate se puede degustar fácilmente, gracias a su confianza. experiencia.. Thanks


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