Yam Balls- A local delicacy. How to Make it.

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)


A beautiful evening to everyone in the @steemfoods community. Ever since I joined this community I've been motivated to try out different foods from all over the world and they've been amazing. Today I bring you a local delicacy. it's a snack eaten here in nigeria though not rampant. It's called YAM BALLS and here's how it's made.

As the name implies it's made using yam and other ingredients.
Here are my ingredients for making this snack


  1. Yam -1 tuber
  2. Corn flakes -2 sachets
  3. Egg -1
  4. Vegetable oil
  5. Salt.
  6. Milk- 2 sachets powdered or 1 tin small of liquid.
  7. Onions
  8. Pepper
  9. Butter 1teaspoon.

First you cut your yam,peel off the back and then cut it into tiny bits.

Cutting the yam,and peeling

Yam in tiny pieces.

Get a clean pot,put it on a lighted stove and pour in your desired quantity of water.
Next you wash the already cut and peeled yams,add salt as desired and put into the pot to cook for about 20minutes,by then the yam is soft and ready to eat.

Adding salt to the yam in the pot

Yam cooking.

As the yam is cooking, dice the onions and pepper into bits, break the egg and whisk it and also grind the cornflakes into bits.
Below are pictures of the other ingredients

Diced onions and pepper

Me pounding the corn flakes,I had to use a pestle.

The ground cornflakes

Mixing my powdered milk with water to get a liquid form. You don't need to mix of you're using a liquid milk.

Now I check on my yam and it's ready for eating. I bring down and transfer it into a stainless bowl.

My yam soft and ready to eat in a stainless bowl.

Next I mash the yams until all are pulpy. Here's a picture of the yams after mashing

Me mashing the yams with a spatula

Already mashed yams.

After making sure the yams are all mashed up,I add my diced onions and pepper into the bowl

Then add the already dissolved milk, butter and stir. Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are mixed in, then roll the yam into balls

Already rolled yam Balls-

As you roll the yam into balls put a lot of oil on fire to heat up

Then dip the already rolled yam balls into the already whisked egg,make sure all parts of the yam ball touches the egg white,then put the yam ball into the already pounded cornflakes

Like this

By this time the oil would be ready for frying. Put the yam balls into the oil and fry till it's light brown

Yam frying

Yam ball is ready for eating.

You may eat this with peppered sauce or a drink of any type.

My sister enjoying the yam ball.

This yam ball is a great snack for children,adults and even the elderly because it's not too sweet but also balanced and nutritious.

Now you know how to make yam balls,I hope you try it out. Till next time..keep steeming!!



I love yam ball alot and am going to try this thank you for sharing

 3 years ago 

I love this ball yam @ngoxi996 i will try it , Weldon sis , thank you for sharing

Thank you for going through my post @ijelady

This is really a new thing to me. I have never know that yam could be used in that way. I need to go through your post again and again to learn how to prepare this.
Thank you and well-done.

Thank you for going through the post and yes this snack is nutritious with little sugar so it's good for everyone @johanjahb

Wow I don't really know how this test but the look shows is going to be great @ngeozi996 thanks for sharing this with us,we love you and we are stronger together

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