My Favorite Celebration Meal

in SteemFoods4 years ago

As soon as I bumped into the Your Favorite Celebration Meal contest, the first meal that came up to my mind was the Chicken filet with cuscus from my beloved restaurant "Cooperative Garage" based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


I do not live in Russia for over three years now, but every time I come to visit, the first thing I do is go there and order this food of gods.

Here is what my mom and I had for my birthday dinner, which of course, we celebrated in my favorite place in the city. The Chicken filet with cuscus is in the middle. Chef serves it with mindblowing nut sauce and a basilic leaf, and we always take the local apple cider called Saint Anton.


And that is me with a birthday cake I received from the restaurant!


The restaurant itself is very cozy. There is a pool table absolutely free of charge, motorbike right at the entrance, neon lights, friendly waiters aka bikers, and of course, a delicious menu.

In summer, they open wall-sized windows, take more tables outside into the inner court, put a huge colorful carpet, and use painted barrels in place of tables.


The atmosphere is truly amazing! That is why I spent many important occasions there, including the university graduation dinner, the evening with my best friend before she left to live in the USA, a couple of birthdays, dates... So every time I come back to Saint-Petersburg, I go there. And of course, there is no need to check the menu, as my choice is always the same: "One Chicken filet with cuscus, please."


Here is the exact location, in case you would like to visit Saint-Petersburg one day.


дворик ресторана очень колоритный ))

Летом - еще колоритнее!

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