SteemFoods Contest -19- | Prepare a Special Cake for Mother's Day! By. @marytp30

in SteemFoods3 years ago


Hello dear lovers of good taste!

I am very excited about the contest sponsored by the @SteemFoods community for the whole magnificent #steemit team.

I must start by confessing that this is my first participation in a community contest and what better way to honor my dear Mom. It turned out to be a great idea that I was able to make come true in an unexpected way.


My mom's name is Mercedes, she is 74 years old, currently she has presented health problems associated with hypertension, diabetes and heart disease but, not everything ends here, she like me is passionate about traditional cakes especially those that have a small portion of chocolate in their preparation, according to her comments she loves the ones I make because I manage to capture every flavor that she wants to taste in the afternoon with her respective coffee.

For this special day, you can not imagine all the setbacks I had to go through because we do not live together and the route is somewhat long, plus the heavy rainy weather that had prevented me from driving calmly. After organizing so many details I was able to capture an indescribable emotion in my mom and even more when I did not expect the presence of my children and a delicious cake made to their liking at that moment. I had a little accomplice at home, my twin sister who was in charge of helping her dress up and even a special makeup she wanted to use.

I will be happy to show you a complete tutorial on how to make a delicious vanilla and chocolate cake to honor my mother.


Ingredients to be used:

  • 700 gr leavening wheat flour
  • 7 eggs at room temperature
  • 300 gr of sugar
  • 5 tablespoons of butter
  • Vanilla to taste
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 liter of liquid milk
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder


Copia de Copia de My steemit presentation (1).gif

Step 1:

In a cup we proceed to separate the yolk (yellow) and the white of all the eggs, we do this very carefully so as not to ruin each portion, there are several techniques to concretize but, particularly I usually open two small holes on each side of the eggs and move gently until we extract what we want.
With the whites of the eggs ready we proceed to beat until we obtain a stiff peaks (when you move the bowl it should not spill see gif), ideally we should graduate the speed of the mixer to achieve a firmer mixture, during this process we add two spoons of sugar (of the one we already have for the preparation), once ready we reserve in the refrigerator for later use in our delicious cake.
In the same way, we beat the egg yolks with two spoonfuls of sugar (we continue using the one we have included in the ingredients), this mixture is not firm but, by doing this procedure we incorporate air and it will help us to make the cake have more volume during its baking. Reserve for later use.




Step 2:

In a deep bowl, we will take 5 tablespoons of margarine and vanilla to taste beat for 5 minutes without stopping, preferably use at room temperature, once obtained the desired consistency add the remaining sugar and gradually the egg yolks that we did in advance.

Step 3:

For this moment, we will need liquid milk, as I did not have it we can make it in a very easy way, we occupy 5 tablespoons of milk in a liter of water and liquefy until it is with foam, preferably use previously boiled or filtered water to avoid stomach diseases.
Next, we sift the flour in the cup containing the mixture we have been working with, alternating milk and flour until all the ingredients are correctly incorporated. You can use the mixer at low speed or a paddle with wrapping movements, in my case I used the first option.

Note: sift the flour: It consists of passing a dry ingredient such as flour, powdered sugar, cocoa, baking powder or other, through a sieve or strainer, this serves to incorporate air, avoid lumps and lighten the mixtures.

Step 4:

Once all the ingredients are incorporated, we look for the egg whites that we prepared in step 1 and again with wrapping movements we add little by little, this will help our cake to be soft and fluffy.

Step 5:

While we let the mixture rest for a period of 10 minutes, we proceed to flour the mold where it will be baked, it is a fairly simple procedure that basically consists of Spread all over the inside of the mold, butter. Take a piece of butter with your hands and spread it all over the inside walls of the mold, bottom and corners. You must cover every space, since we don't want our bread to stick, finally you can sprinkle flour without exceeding. Ready!
Pour the mixture into the mold without spilling.

Step 6:

Each family gives its own style of preparation to the cakes, in the case of my mom she likes them with chocolate but not everything is dark, for this, I will use a small amount of cocoa that in the same cup of the mixture I will join it with a small portion that seconds later I incorporated it into the mold and with a fork I made small movements being visually appealing.
We take it to the oven previously heated for an estimated time of 30 to 35 minutes, this will depend on the capacity and cooking time of your kitchen.

Step 7:

We remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature. The smell is incredible almost that it becomes impossible to wait haha. We can see that it is fluffy and very good height.

Step 8: (Decoration)

My dear mother does not like cakes with excessive decoration so I decided to decorate it in a very simple way, I reserved some of the mixture prepared in step 1 which I placed on top of the cake, I also used some edible colored rubber bands along with a beautiful decorative flower that I had at home, I consider that the details were very successful.



After so much adversity I was finally able to come home and give the cake to my mom in the company of my children, sisters and dad. It was an incredible moment!


All images used are my property, EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR #steemit and @SteemFoods contest.


¡Gracias por tu lectura! (1).gif


Que bella sorpresa para tu mamá! Su cara de felicidad es grandiosa! Muy hermoso post! Felicidades!

 3 years ago 

Encantada de tenerte acá!

Muy linda tu presentación, te felicito. Me agrada mucho tu manera de explicar el paso a paso. Te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso.

 3 years ago 

gracias querida amiga! recibo con cariño tu mensaje.

Es realmente un extraordinario post, mucha creatividad y originalidad en tu maquetado y lo mejor fue que pudiste complacer a tu mami, bendiciones para todas y mucho éxito en el concurso.

 3 years ago 

Así es! muchísimas gracias

Hola. Te quedó hermosa la torta. Tu mamá se ve feliz. El post me gustó mucho. Bonitas fotografias! Exitos @marytp30

 3 years ago 

Que bella amiga bendiciones

 3 years ago 

Felicidades tu torta quedó muy hermosa.

Me encantó ti post amiga,muy original y que bonito el detalle denllevar la torta junto a toda tu familia, eres bendecida de tener a tu familia unida ese es el mejor regalo para tu mamá saludos y Bendiciones ♡

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


 3 years ago 

Excelente post amiga @marytp30,muy detallada tu receta, gracias por compartirla. Éxitos. Un abrazo

Hermosa entrada, original @marytp30 Dios las bendiga a todas en este día de las madres... Muy bien detallado el paso a paso con sus hermosas fotografías y separadores...

Suerte en el concurso...

@rypo01 (1).gif

 3 years ago 

Hola mi estimada! Más que una publicación tiene una carga emocional bastante fuerte, a pesar de tantas adversidades pude llegar con el pastel y disfrutar.

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