SteemFoods Contest -6- | Promote A Traditional Food! | Chicken Salad- Outline of the Venezuelan Christmas Dish /// Concurso SteemFoods -6- | ¡Promueve una comida tradicional! | Ensalada de Gallina- Contorno del Plato navideño Venezolano

in SteemFoods4 years ago
Saludos amigos , hoy me uno al concurso #steemfoods y @alikoc07; compartiré una comida tradiconal en mi país como lo es la ensalada de gallina, que se utiliza como acompañante de la cena navideña. Esta que les muestro tiene su toque especial y aquí les mostrare como la prepare

Greetings friends, today I join the #steemfoods contest and @alikoc07; I will share a traditional meal in my country such as chicken salad, which is used as a companion to Christmas dinner. This one that I show you has its special touch and here I will show you how to prepare it


En mi caso es una ensalada de pollo con un toque muy personal. Esta se consume en las fiestas decembrina para acompañar el plato navideño. Tenía ya semanas con el antojo de querer realizarla y hoy quiero compartirla con todos ustedes.
Esta es una ensalada que aporta proteínas, además de minerales y vitaminas para el cuerpo, por eso es importante consumirlas.

In my case it is a chicken salad with a very personal touch. This is consumed during the holidays to accompany the Christmas dish. I had been wanting to do it for weeks and today I want to share it with all of you.
This is a salad that provides protein, as well as minerals and vitamins for the body, that is why it is important to consume them.

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Los ingredientes que necesitamos son:

The ingredients that we need are:


  • Trozos de pechuga de pollo
  • Papa
  • Zanahoria
  • Mayonesa
  • Cebolla
  • Cilantro
  • Sal
  • Vinagre

Chicken breast chunks


  • Lo primero que realizó el pelar las papas y las zanahorias

The first thing peeling the potatoes and carrots did


Luego corte en cuadros y las coloco en una olla con agua, hasta que esta se ablanden. Reservo para que enfrié.

Then cut into squares and place them in a pot with water, until it softens. I reserve to cool.



Luego coloque los trozos de pechuga a sancochar, cuando estén listo, mecho el pollo y reservo también.

Then put the pieces of breast to parboil, when they are ready, I roast the chicken and reserve as well.



  • Rallo Cebolla y corto el cilantro muy fino. Es importante mencionar que esta ensalada generalmente se le coloca es guisante verdes. Pero a mí me gusta hacerla con cilantro y la ralladura de cebolla que le da un toque a mí me gusta mucho.

I grate the onion and cut the coriander very fine. It is important to mention that this salad is usually placed in green peas. But I like to make it with coriander and onion zest that gives it a touch, I really like it.


*Después en un envase ya tenía las papas y zanahoria y le agregue el pollo mechado.

Then in a container I already had the potatoes and carrots and I added the shredded chicken.



  • Posteriormente coloque la cebolla, el cilantro, la sal, mayonesa y un poquito de vinagre, y uní todos los ingredientes.

Then add the onion, cilantro, salt, mayonnaise and a little vinegar, and combine all the ingredients.


  • Revolvi todos los ingredientes y luego agregue la mayonesa

Stir all the ingredients and then add the mayonnaise



  • Obteniendo así la ensalada de pollo con mí toque personal.

Thus getting the chicken salad with my personal touch.



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Espero les guste
Fotografías tomadas desde mi teléfono Redmi GO Xiaomi
Gracias por leerme

I hope you like it
Photographs taken from my Redmi GO Xiaomi phone
Thanks for reading me


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 4 years ago 

Hi :

The salad you prepare with chicken + vegetables looks very tasty, but we cannot vote for this article. In the SteemFoods Community, we now only support voting for posts created as # steem-exclusive. We do not support voting for cross posting and for posts that have already been published on a different blockchain. You are skilled in cooking and preparing delicious meals. You can use the #steemfoods-exclusive tag in the recipes you prepare exclusively for the SteemFoods Community. I am waiting for the recipes you will prepare specifically for the Steem platform. :)

This post was previously posted on a different blockchain.

Best Regards... @steemcurator01

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