The Food Diary Game Season : 8 - 04-15-2022 | #sfcharity10pc + club5050 | Good Friday Fasting Foods

in SteemFoods2 years ago

Greetings to all food lovers and steemian friends!
May we all have a blessed day and hoping all are safe and healthy as well.


Today I am going to share to you my Good friday fasting foods that I ate from morning up until evening.




For breakfast, I did cooked a piece of egg worth 8.00 (0.15 in USD) at the nearby sundry store and a rice corn worth 45.00 (0.86 in USD) that was shared to my extended family and they had there viand which was squid since I don't ate much seafood.




I had sweet rice cake with too much syrup from coconut milk & sugar as toppings I had put for lunch that was cooked and prepared by my girlfriend since it was requested by her family and is part of their practice to have a sweet rice cake every good friday. It served as our lunch and fasting for today in the celebration of Good friday which means to commemorates the Passion of Christ as a Catholic.



I had "Binignit" which is a dish made of taro, sweet potatoes, sago pearls, landang, cardava banana, sticky rice cooked with coconut milk. It is traditionally serve this holy week. This delicacy was shared with the family, me and also shared towards their neighbors.

Thank God for the food blessings!

That will be all for today and may everyone has foods in their table.

Thank you everyone and May God Bless us all!

Kind regards,

 2 years ago 

kalami sa mga pagkaon... kaon gyud ta kutob sa naay makaon hehe

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