The Food Diary Game (11-20-2021) | 50% to @sf-charity : My Saturday-licious meals by @lealtafaith

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Greetings to all steemians and every food-lovers out there!


It's my first time in participating "The Food Diary Game" and I hope it goes smoothly and well. I am not eligible for the club5050 tag and I am now saving up my earnings to do power-ups in order for me to participate in it soon.

My Saturday-licious meals



My food for breakfast that I prepared for today is none other than coffee paired with chocolate cake since we have chocolate cake left from last night's birthday celebration. The coffee I prepared is a 3n1 sachet that has a creamy white flavor and I just sliced a small part of chocolate cake that made my tummy full.



For lunch I have rice and cooked canned beefloaf with egg to make it more delicious and my favorite in mixing those two ingredients. Also we even open a can of century tuna for additional dish that surely made my tummy happy and full.



I have dinner at my girl's house since she invited me to eat together with her family since yesterday was a fiesta celebration of the Virgin of the Rule in the city. I had rice, pork sisig, adobo and a saute of diced pork, carrots and potatoes prepared by her family. Without dessert it won't be complete so we also have fruit salad that I forgot to take a photo. The night went well so as my yummy.

Thank you everyone and May God bless us all! Happy eating!

Best regards,

 3 years ago 

Hi, @lealtafaith and thank you for posting your content to #SteemitFoods 🙂

Make sure to include the current date on the identifiers in your selfies.

I am glad you are working hard to raise your SP and get to use the tag Club5050. Congrats and good luck!

 3 years ago 

Hello, thank you and for the information and yes I will continue to work hard to raise my SP for Club5050😊

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