The Food Diary Game Season : 7 - 03-27-2022 / #club5050+sfcharity10pc / Sunday foodies

in SteemFoods2 years ago (edited)

Happy sunday everyone! I hope you had a great day and stay safe & healthy steemit friends!

It's nice to be back after a long absence in the steemit and now I want to share my sunday foodies.

Morning coffee with cassava cake


My breakfast for today is coffee and since I only have cassava cake which is very delicious by the way, so I try to pair them and the result is that it made my stomach satisfied.

Lunch foodies


For lunch, we had hot & spicy pancit canton paired with sliced bread together with coca-cola drink that I forgot to capture.

Snack time



Snack time!
I had richoco snack and an ice cream that was bought by my girlfriend's sister that was shared to family and I.

My Dinner


Lastly, my dinner for today is a boiled pork soup together with rice that made my tummy full.

Thank God for the foods today!

I will end it here and see you around steemians!

Thank you everyone and may God bless us all!

Kind regards,

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