Unbelievably delicious chocolate chip cookies

in SteemFoods4 years ago



Hello friends of Steem Foods, i've been posting here lately and I'm glad to have another window to share recipes and all these things I love and enjoy doing so much. Being in the kitchen for me is like therapy and I really spend most of my day in there, so hopefully you guys can see it and enjoy my posts. I have a recipe that I just made a couple hours ago specially for SteemFoods. A delicious chocolate chips cookies that are super easy to prepare and absolutely yummy. Hope you all like it and I'll be open to receive your comments and more.


All purpose flour (1 1/4 cup)
Sugar (3/4 cup)
Butter (1/2 cup)
Egg (1)
Salt (1 teaspoon)
Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)
Chocolate (I used 100 gr)


First I melted the butter and added it into a bowl. I also added the sugar and mixed it gently.




After that I added the vanilla extract, the egg and also the salt. Mixed well.





Last but definitely no least, I added the all purpose flour and mixed well. After that I decided to chop the chocolate into small pieces and added into my mix. I don't know about you guys but I can't resist eating some cookies mix, it's so good.



This is how I chopped the chocolate into pieces. Of course I couldn't resist eating a little bit before mixing the whole thing.




I covered the baking sheet with some oil and then flour all over its surface, this to make sure that the cookies didn't stick to the sheet.


After putting the cookies mix in the freezer for about 15 minutes, I grabbed a spoon and with my hands a little wet to be able to shape them without them sticking into my fingers.




I put them in the oven for about 18 minutes at 180 degrees. I could've let them a couple more minutes but i really like them soft. If you prefer them a little more crunchy, you can let them cook a bit more.


This is how delicious they looked after taking them off the oven. I gave a couple to my roommates and they loved it. Really this is an unbelievably good recipe that you guys need to try at time and it's super easy to make.




Hope you guys enjoyed this recipe and please make sure to comment if you did cause i love reading your comments.

Hope you all have a wonderful week. I'll be posting here often so i hope we can creat a nice atmosphere. Shout out to my friend @alikoc07 who told me about this community and i couldn't resist to join. I'll be creating more exclusive recipes for this community so i hope you enjoy it. Big hug to everyone. Until next time.



Se ven increibles!
Hace mucho no hago galletas de ese modo, ahora tengo ganas de comerlas!
Gracias por compartir!! :)

Sos argentino, no sabia!!
#onepercent #argentina

 4 years ago 

Hello Andy:

I know that you like to prepare different and delicious meals during the day. It is especially pleasing for you to prepare these delicious cookies for the SteemFoods Community. I have two kinds of favorite cookies. I can say that one is with chocolate sprinkles and the other is cherry flavored. :) I also prepared a cookie like this at home before. But I prepare it smaller in size, this way I like it with tea or coffee. I picked these cookies from SteemFoods Best of the Day. :)

Really glad you like them as well. I do love eating some cookies with tea 😍😍😍😍 they’re just too good! 😍

Se ven deliciosas.

Cuando tenga todos los ingredienes con mucha seguridad las haré siguiendo tu receta.


#onepercent #venezuela

Abrazo Alfredo. Espero te gusten mucho 🤗

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