How to make delicious egg pantoya cake

in SteemFoods4 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum
My Dear Steem Friends
I am @kawsar from Bangladesh.

Hope everyone is doing very well.
Today I am going to share a very fun, very tasty cake recipe. This cake can be made with very few ingredients and in a short time and it is also very tasty to eat. The name of the cake is Egg Pantoya Pitha.

Egg pantoya cake

✔️Ingredients :

  • 3 eggs
  • Half cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of flour or rice powder
  • 1 cup of liquid milk
  • Food color or Jorda color
  • cooking oil
    Cake making materials



  • First you need to make a perfect batter to make the cake, so break an egg in a bowl and put half a cup of sugar in it. Mix these well.


  • Add sugar to the eggs and mix them very well. You can see that I mix them very well. Here you can use a spoon or a handwich. Mix them very well.


add liquid milk

  • When the sugar is well mixed with the egg, it means that when the sugar is melted and the day is completely melted, you have to add liquid milk inside it at once.


add flour or rice powder

  • When you add a little milk to the mixture of sugar and milk and mix them well with this mixture then you add flour or rice powder with whatever you want to make this cake with flour and you will not use it at all. Give it a little bit and make a better one


  • This is how you add liquid milk and add a little bit of flour with it to make such a beautiful batter. I like one third cup of flour with one cup of milk here. You may need less than that and I will give it to you. Make it

Divide the beta you want to make into two parts. Then you can add any one color at a time. It can be food color or Jorda color. Add the same color and mix it well with this batter. You can see that I also divide the beta into two parts at once. I have added

The process of making:

step- 01


  • After making the beta, brush half a teaspoon of oil in a pan in the oven and then leave 2 eggs in it so that the egg yolk does not break. If the egg yolk is broken, the back will not look beautiful.

step- 02


  • After waiting for one minute to reduce the heat of the stove, happiness should be inverted very carefully. Care should be taken so that the yolk of the egg does not break.

step- 03


  • At this stage, you have to pick up the egg and put it on another plate, then brush a little oil in the pan again, give half a cup of the pain without the color you put inside it, then turn it a little, wait a while after crushing it.

step- 04


  • After giving the pan a better time, you have to wait for 7 to 8 seconds with the lid on and then turn it over.

step- 05


  • After 7 to 8 seconds you will see that your cake is done. Now you will remove the cake that you put the egg on the plate and then place the egg on the cake and make a long fold.

step- 06


  • Leave it that way and then another colored one was better. It will be removed again and then it will be picked up again after 7-8 seconds.

step- 07


  • This time again, the cake will have to be folded again with the gift of the previous cake. In this way, each cake will have to be folded one after the other in such a long way. The eggs will be inside and the cakes will be one cake on top of the other.

Final step



  • This is how I finished the cake. I made all the cakes once with the colored batter and once with the colorless batter like bread. I made all the cakes one by one with long bamboo and then I made my very delicious egg pantoya cake. It is very tasty so you can go home. Try it and you will understand how delicious it can be



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