Make Your Own Granola: Coconut Maple Pecan Recipe

in SteemFoods4 years ago


So I’m not really sure why I haven’t bothered to make my own granola before, as it’s really quite simple, and one of those pretty pricy foods that one can typically make for a lot cheaper than the cost at the supermarket, and it’s super tasty and healthy too. It turns out it can also be easily made in the backcountry while camping, as I did just this morning. Plus, there’s no sugar for sweetening, just honey and maple syrup.

All you’ll need is some old fashioned oats, pecans or whatever nuts you prefer or happen to have on hand, coconut, honey, maple syrup, cinnamon and vanilla if you have any around. I did 5 cups of oats, 1.5 cups of pecans and 1.5 cups of shredded coconut, and that made a fairly large amount that I had to cook in two batches (although that problem could be easily resolved with a bigger skillet).

Just mix the oats and nuts up in a large bowl, and then drizzle some maple syrup and honey on top and sprinkle on your cinnamon - I didn’t measure but I’d guess about a 1/4 cup maple syrup and no more than half a cup of honey - I just covered the oat mixture with maple and honey drizzled on top , mixed it up, covered again with honey, and mixed it in until the oats seemed to be pretty well covered in honey. Put cinnamon to taste, I used a lot because I love it, about two teaspoons worth, and a couple drops of vanilla. There were some sticky bunches too, just like you see in “honey bunches of oats”. You can always start with less honey, taste it before cooking to see if it’s sweet enough, and then add more to taste.


I’ve never been one to use strict measurements for cooking, the only downside to sharing such tasty recipes like this, but the great thing about granola is it can really be made any way you like it, with oats, nuts and honey being the main staple ingredients.

After you’ve got everything mixed up, just put some oil in a frying pan, I used cast iron as I was doing this on a wood stove in the backcountry, and then cook the granola on a low-medium heat, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. It creates the most amazing aroma while cooking, you won’t want to wait til’ it’s done to have a bowl! Coconut oil would work great, but all I had on hand was olive oil and that worked really well too. You’re probably looking at 15-20 minutes of cook time depending on how deep you fill the pan.


Then eat up, mine turned out to be way more delicious than I could imagine, I was pleasantly surprised how tasty it was for my very first time. I’ll never go back to store bought granola again! I scooped a fresh bowlful right into my bowl, topped it off with some fresh homemade almond milk, and it made what’s got to be the best fresh bowl of granola I’ve ever had. Not only is it filling and healthy, it’s also vegan, so simple to make, easy to switch up the flavorings, and makes a really tasty snack too. I’m so glad I finally took the initiative to do this, as granola’s been a staple of mine on the road ever since I began living the camping lifestyle, and going this route will save me quite a bit of money down the road I imagine. Next time I think I’ll try some flaxseeds to add a bit more protein, and acorn meal would be a great addition if I still had some of that around, and of course topping with your favorite fruit will add even more flavor and nutrition.

If you’ve never made your own granola before, give it a try, and you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy.

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