A call for support: Investment for better life on steem/steemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemFoods4 years ago (edited)

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The payout from this post will be used to support the SteemFoods community

Hello everyone in this gorgeous SteemFoods community. I wish you have a great day and better health.

Every single community's power depends on its members, no different from this SteemFoods. This community will grow faster and bigger when every single one of its member gives their best attention and build better commitment to strengthen this community and the platform as a whole. No matter how many communities you are involved in, but your commitment to this platform and its communities is the key to a better future of this platform.

The way you can harvest your own fresh fruits is by growing it yourselves carefully, watering it, add fertilizer to the soil, and it needs time and patients and willingness, am I right?. Is that possible to happen in a day?. Of course not.

It works the same way out on the steem platform my friends, if you want to harvest/earn from steemit/steem you need to work hard, encourage more people, engage with more steemian, provide support to others, and spread positive energy. That is how this community-based platform works.

The concrete way to develop a better life in the community is not only by making a valuable post but also by the way you invest in this platform. I know many of you have no "deep pocket" as well as I am. But, what I think could make some different thoughts for you. I wish you will follow something good from what I post.

Ok, let talk a little bit more about how to do it

The Only Way to Strengthen this Platform is with Our Investment.

I am not closing my eyes from the fact that most of us (including me) want to earn something from this platform as the additional income or even main income. But, to earn it we will need to invest time, patient, or even money

Although you don't have enough capital to buy steem or stem bucket dollar (SBD) or your payout is not enough to support your life, it does not restrict you to invest in another way.

Many ways of investment;


  • Delegation

Let me draw you this; when you have only 500 SP, what would you get when you up-vote yourselves?. Yes, in this recent price of steem you will get nothing right?. But if you delegate your SP to the @steemitfoods account you will be helped by the upvote from the account when you make a good post, then this up-vote will definitely give you something. AND...You will get shares on a daily, weekly, and even monthly basis. Doesn't It a great investment to grow up your account? Check the post from @alikoc07. Apart from the share, you still get curation reward, as it is automatically divided from every vote is cast by the account that you have delegated. By delegating your stem power (SP) you get multiple advantages because when the power of the community account getting bigger you will get a bigger benefit anytime you make a post. So, will you invest after reading this post? I hope so guys!.

  • Powering up your account

I would like to encourage you to set 100% power up for your account. How does it call investment?. Ok, let see, if you get upvote and you have set up your account to 100% power up, then day by day you will get bigger Steem Power when you upvote others you will get a bigger curation reward isn't it?. And if you upvote your selves (even it is not really appropriate) you will get something other then dust payout. Besides, the bigger power you have, the more influence your account will be and the more follower you will have, the better payout you will get from others. Why? the fact is when you can support others in this matter, they will come to you as a good deed. You may stop powering up your account after some time, and start to earn for yourselves, that is absolutely right to do.

  • Supporting the contest organized by your community

How does support the contest will give us benefits?. OK, look one more time!. You get your upvote from your community, and when the member of the community increase, then your chance to get upvote also increase to a significant number. The number of your community will increase when we can organize a better contest prize. Do you see it now?. Ok, recently our friend @alikoc07 is organizing a great contest as every one of you is welcome to participate. but he needs support for the prize of the contest. I will definitely help this recent contest by adding 20 steem to the prize pool. He will not be able to grow this community alone, he needs our help, let come together to help him build this SteemFoods community to become stronger. We need to prove that we care for this community, prove that you have a long-term commitment to this platform. Will you come with me to help him? come on let's do it!.

New Picture (11).jpg
I have transferred 20 steem to @steemitfoods to support the contest prize, I do really hope this contest will success greatly

  • Engagement and recruit new members

It not about looking for the benefit for our own, but it is a mutualism symbiosis. Engage with more steemian will help you to have more good friends, more upvote, more support. The most valuable way of engagement is commenting on the other posts with respect and adding value. This is also a long-term commitment, it means you will not savor the result in a short time, but trust me eventually it will come to your front door

The real actions need to be done immediately, see you there my dear friend. It is neither for me nor @alikoc07, but all of us on this platform

Thank you very much @alikoc07 for your hard work. Thank you very much @steemcurator01 @steemitblog for your endless supports. Thank you very much all SteemFoods delegators and members for your participation in making this community stronger



Jika anda merasa punya hobi memasak dan membuat resep masakan, saya ajak anda bergabung di komunitas Steemfoods yang di motori oleh @alikoc07, silahkan bergabung dengan discord kami di : https://discord.gg/8rb26fE

 4 years ago 

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful article with us. I have been actively using the Steemit platform for more than two years. Before that, there was no steemitin curation team and organized competitions. Therefore, users who prepared quality and original content could not earn any income. Currently, we are able to generate revenue by preparing articles for seven themes organized with the #betterlife tag. In addition, the steemit platform is not just a social media tool created to make money. We also want to enable people to interact with each other. We all have Steem-Power in their wallets. After setting up the SteemFoods Community, I worked hard to develop it and now I am paying off for my work and I am very happy with the attention of the people. We support the articles with Food and Cooking content prepared with quality and original content with great effort. Your work as South East Asia Representative and Moderator of SteemFoods Community is great. 20 Steem Thank you very much for your support. We want everyone who loves SteemFoods Community to support us. :)

Because: We Are Stronger Together!

The steemit curation team is only operated as a temporary incentive to help the steemians build their own power, it will not last for eternity, what we need to think from now on is how to strengthen our community and ensure self-sufficient. My target is to get at least 50 K SP within 6 months. I am sure it will work out when we all come together to support this community instead of being selfish and cashing out the steems/SBD for personal purposes. It is the last chance to build community members to have their own power. We need to do something to encourage more members to start powering up their posts to 100 SP. With a temporary help form @steemcurator01 and other members, we can do it now @alikoc07

For example:
We can set such the rules of the contests;

  • Set 100% power up to your account otherwise you are not eligible
  • Do not power down the SP during the contest period
  • Do not cash out the steem or no transfer transaction to Bittrex (or something similar) is recorded from the account during the contest period

In that way, we are helping steemit to be stronger at the same time. Can we set such the rules for the next contests? or perhaps @steemcurator01 will give us more ideas in this regard.

I am sure we need to discuss regarding strengthening the community and set up long term commitments for this community and underline a few strategies to achieve those goals @alikoc07

Sorry, I don't have any intention to intervene in the contests rules, just a personal thought

Best Regard


Post yang berguna untuk komunitas dan masa depan Steemian !!


Sudahkan berjumpa dengan dek Rabumah hari ini dek @steemadi? atau dek mantap. Selamat menikmati tontonan bola kaki ya

Dek rabumah lagi bersalin sepertinya 😅

Bereh rabumah lom

akan terus bersambung dan saling berhubungan antara dek Ayu, dek Ayi dan dek Rabumah

 4 years ago 

Great post.

Thank you from the Steemit Team

You are most welcome. And thank you for keeping your support till these days to us

 4 years ago 

Amiga muy buena y detallada su publicación realmente también me emociona que la comunidad crezca y que aparezcan mas inversionistas. Como dicen en la unión esta la fuerza... Arriba @steemitfoods arriba #venezuela

Gracias por leer mi publicación, amigos, ojalá haya muchos inversores que ayudarán al desarrollo de nuestra comunidad. Mantén el espíritu, amigo.

Saludos cordiales


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