Introductory post.

in SteemFoods2 years ago

Hello everyone 👋.
I'm really delighted to be part of this amazing platform, it's my pleasure meeting nice people like you though I am still a minnow but hopefully with time I'll get acquainted to the platform well, I seek your guidance.

I am really passionate about renewable energy most especially the solar energy so it is a sustainable source of energy which doesn't negatively affect the environment in any way. This is attributed to it's reliability and durability.


In efforts to educate the youth about the Photovoltaic Installation and Management, Makerere University organized a one week training in May 2022 which I am really glad to be part of. I personally learned a lot of things from installations, maintenance and even specifications used since they are very useful. Below is a simple PVC system that we designed.
It contains the solar module, the storage battery charge controller and the inverter. A DC bulb and an AC bulb were able to light as shown.


Someone might ask himself, why is he showing us all these?, It's okay. I just want to create awareness that the solar energy is reliable, and when we use it will be serving us two goods at a go.
One is that it enables us to cut down the cost of electricity and also to meet the increasing demand for power. Secondly, it protects the environment against threats of climate change which makes the world feel like not a good place to stay in . Let's all embrace it as we fight against this deadly enemy,The climate change.


Some of the other things which also interests me are sports like football, board games and others. Also travels, food , wildlife and things to do with humanity.
I look forward to learning a lot from the great minds in this platform, thanks so much 🤝


6 days ago in #steemit by

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