How To Make The Most Delicious Mini Pastry With Minced Meat + Mushrooms at Home?steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemFoods4 years ago

Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious mini pie with minced meat + mushrooms and spices. Recently, I bought mushrooms and minced meat from the market. Today I thought about what I could do with mushrooms and I thought of preparing such a pastry. The hardest part of this pastry is to open its dough. We need to roll out the very thin dough, so I bought ready-made triangular dough from the market. You can also prepare this pastry by buying triangle dough or rectangular dough from the market. If you are very good at dough, you can make it yourself. But my advice is to use triangular dough. After preparing the inner mortar, we will only do the baking process. In total, the cooking time of this meal is 60 minutes.

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Ingredients to be Used for Pastry Made with Mushroom and Minced Meat:

  • 400 grams of ground beef

  • 6-7 mushrooms

  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste

  • 1 onion

  • 1 pack of triangular dough

  • Pepper and salt

  • 1 egg

Making Stages:
First, we will start by making the inner mortar of the pastry. Add three tablespoons of vegetable oil to a pan, then add the onions you have cut into small pieces. When the onions start to cook, add the minced meat to the pan and mix. After 7-8 minutes, when the minced meat starts to cook, let's add the mushrooms cut in medium size to the pan. Then add salt and pepper and mix. After about 10 minutes, our poultice is ready. After preparing the filling, put the triangular dough on the tray. Add a teaspoon of stuffing in it. Then wrap the dough towards the inside like mine. Do the same until all the dough and mortar are finished. Finally, put an egg on it and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 degrees. Pastry Ready!











What a delight of mini cakes with meat and mushrooms. The good thing is that they are baked and do not have much fat. Here in Venezuela at least in my city I would have to make the dough. A delight I congratulate you @alikoc07, easy and delicious.

Hi, hello my friend thank you for sharing with us your delicious recipe. And thank you for supporting us in SteemFoods community.


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