Daily New Contest -6- Results | Best Food Photos of the Day Results | 10 STEEM Award Distributions

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Hello Everyone:

Today, I will announce to you the 10 winners of the "Best Food Photos of the Day" contest that I organized yesterday. With this contest, we saw photos of food, drinks and desserts prepared by our users on 05-06-2021. First of all, I would like to thank all our users who participated in the contest. I see that there is a great interest in the competition. As of now, there are 36 comments under the contest post and this is gratifying. I mentioned in the contest post that the duration of the contest is only 24 hours. I am organizing this contest for the seventh time and will try to re-organize it on certain days of the week. I selected 10 “Best Food Photos of the Day” for the competition and successfully completed the award distributions. The prize of the competition was 1 STEEM for each of the 10 winners, and I distributed 10 STEEM in total. Now I will share with you the 10 Best Food Photos of the competition.

NOTE: Your food photo may not have been awarded for this contest, but I will continue to organize this contest on certain days of the week, so you don't have to worry and I recommend that you participate on the days I organize this contest. It's easy to join and you don't need to prepare an extra post on your blog. You just need to share a photo of the food you prepared during the day under the current contest post.

Best Food Photos of the Day '' on 05-06-2021

  • @prilly (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @joanac (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @elinorrg (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @hasini (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @sughey (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @morenaluna (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @yudetsis16 (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @zhangyan-123 (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @maita (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

  • @richel (Best Food Photo of the Day Award: 1 STEEM - Congratulations! :)

Award Distribution

I transferred the awards of 10 winners of the "Best Food Photos of the Day" contest on 05-06-2021 to their wallets. Our users who won the contest can check their prizes. (1 STEEM for each winner)

05-06-2021 Best Of Food Photos Awards.png

  • The number of participants : 36*
 3 years ago 

felicitaciones a todos los ganadores

 3 years ago 

Felicidades a los ganadores de este día buenas iniciativa

Felicidades a los ganadores. No me dió chance participar, espero poder en el próximo.

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias, hubieron fotos muy buenas el día de hoy! Felicidades a los demás ganadores! 🎉

thank you!

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

 3 years ago 

Hola. Que bueno !! Me alegra . Es una iniciativa bonita al ver tantas fotos de comidas sabrosas. Felicitaciones a todos. Felicitaciones por esta iniciativa @alikoc07. Saludos

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih pak @alikoc07.

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir @alikoc07, congrats everyone.

 3 years ago 

Congrats to all winners of best stermfoods photo of the day.... good job guys....

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