Doing a basic sushi course in my city 🍣

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)



As some of you are already knowing, I'm a big fan of this japanese food that I really love to eat with a pair of friends in a girls' meeting by often because it's really expensive in fact, but recently I decided to take a basic course of Maki Sushi dictated by Oscar Velazquez, the sushiman and owner of WasabiMakiSushi which is located very close to my house (I didn't know it before, seariously). So here you are the details I want to share with us at the Steem Foods community, about how was this big day for 4 female learners (including me).

A tasty roll with onion's ring I've ordered from MakiSushi

Location and date

A Whatssap group was created to follow any change of final date of the course. That's due to the weekly restriction that government is carrying out to avoid the spreading of coronavirus. So the meeting was finally in June 24th of this year. The place where we took the course is a restaurant owned by a friend of Oscar, which is called 'Chantal'. It's also a really new undertaking with a big parking space.

3Words coordinates


With included ingredients and facilitating of materials like bamboo mats, sticks, gloves, previously we paid an amount of 30$ to have also a comfortable kitchen to cook there.

Some of the Japanese ingredients


The day before, we've received a message from admin. in WhatsApp to follow these important instructions:

~Bring comfortable clothes and sport shoes. Tied hair for the case of girls.🙋🏻‍♀️

~Not holding watches, earrings, necklaces or rings that can contaminates the food.💍

~Of course wearing a facemask to guarantee the measurements of biosecurity.😷

~In order to not disturb the cooking class, it was required to keep cellphones in silence mode.📳

The message from WhatsApp group


We started at 9 AM with provided aprons and gloves. He started to explain the basic aspects like the brands and quality of ingredients, materials, the types of sushi. Japanese food is very healthy and traditional, so their rolls are made by few ingredients and there's not a lot of variety like in Venezuela and other places for example.

Moderator of course explaining

Later, the first step was to prepare the rice because it's necessary to obtain it fresh with anticipation. This is a special one that has shorter grains and a lot of starch that would be washed at least 7 times to remove it. It's advisable to use a wooden or plastic spoon to manipulate the rice.

Preparing the rice

Next is preparation of misura, a mixture of vinegar and sugar to provide that particular flavor to the rice. Cook previously both ingredients until boiling but without letting sugar to get converted very dark. it's ideally to obtain a syrup consistence that will be poured over the rice.

Boiling of misura at the kitchen

Meanwhile the rice is getting cold, the sauces were prepared. One is a mixture of mustard with honey, another one has mayonnaise with a spicy liquid season and finally mustard with condensed milk (that famous Fuji sauce).

Making the spicy sauce for rolls

The shrimp and white fish are prepared with tempura, which is like a batter mixture but this is made out of flour, baking powder and the secret ingredient to obtain a crispy result is the carbonated water, which could be used in place of beer but must be cold... The consistence mustn't be heavy like the chinese one to differentiate a good japanese tempura.

Me and another girl frying the little shrimps at the kitchen where course was dictated

Rolls are building up with nori (seaweed sheet) and a layer of rice over the covered mat with plastic, then filled with fried plantain, zucchini, cheese cream... as you and your creativity wish. Also the special salad that it's just prepared with crab and wakame, another type of seaweed. At this point rolls might be covered with tempura to fry it or making the roll but with the rice being outside the seaweed sheet.

Building up the sushi rolls with rice inside and outside from nori sheet

The cut itself is a very important step with the proper knife which has to be wet to obtain the sushi discs with no trouble. Due to the lack of experience, mine were a little imperfect.

Obtaining discs with a knife

Of course the three girls and I had made our own rolls... Take a look on the following photography where were are building up sushis with the ingredients with previous batter.

Me and a partner at the sushi course

Final details for an elegant dish presentation is adding the topping and sauces, plus sesame seed. At the end of the day, we could take a general photography of all dishes and even take our rolls at home to still tasting them as dinner too.

Adding topping over the roll

My own rolls with rice outside and inside of nori seaweed

All the rolls that were prepared by professor and students

Learners eating their own sushi rolls / Teacher with them and his assistant

Delicious sushi that was ready to taste it as dinner too


I'm letting you a brief video about the summary of our course in order to show how was the whole journey in the course. We've learned a lot and all I can say is thank you so much for such knowledge I'll be taking in count from now on. Never stop the spirit of learning something new. That's the key to find life very interesting, specially if this is related with a good food.

Note: I don't remember where did I get the Japanese song several years ago, but it was a sample I've taken from a free musical website.


The photographies belongs to me and they were taken by a Xiaomi Redmi7A cellphone camera in Venezuela.

*** See you in next post *** 📝

 3 years ago 

Guaaaoooo amiga que bueno que estes realizando ese tipo de cursos para aprender a relizar el Sushi. felicidades a todos los concursantes le ven super deliciosos la variedad de platos que prepararon gracias por compartir un poco los tips de como lograr esos platos... saludos👏👏

 3 years ago 

Hola Julio agradezco muchísimo tu comentario. Me alegra saber que ha gustado mucho el contenido culinario, en este caso uno de procedencia oriental. ☺️ Envío saludos de mi parte. #venezuela #affable

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