Fractal murmurs - A freewrite

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


Fractal murmurs

I take refuge in another bird's nest, masked, like a little foreign pigeon. I can spend many of my years here, almost without realizing it, crouched, feeling my own winds whipping my insides as if they belonged to others.
I get dizzy in a wheel that truffles lights and shadows. I lose my head, my eyes are lost in the fragile senility of a twilight that is not in a hurry.
Silence and peace seduce me.
While the spirit sings, my demons speak with a wave soliloquy that whispers swimming deeper. I immerse myself in strange contortions of moving water.
Mermaid or mollusk, I swim or fall without return, lost in an absorbing world, among old discords that return their wheel.
My thoughts wander, they come and go, kissing the sand. Rowing in the quicksands, I hear hisses, fractal murmurs that contain and disperse me. It smells like a clear night. The shore shines with the moon and calls me.
The lights of the ships in the distance, Illuminating the night sky, they look like stars, I close my eyes in the dark and the murmurs come back like waves.


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Own photo

In response to @mariannewest Day 1150: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: masked

The prompt is highlighted in bold


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