How to Cook Yee Mee Soup

in GEMS4 years ago

Yee Mee Thumbnaul.jpg

Hello everyone! Today I am going to share a cooking recipe on how to cook Yee Mee Soup. Yee mee is a type of noodles and it is cooked in the Chinese Cuisine.



In the picture above, you can see almost all of the ingredients. However, I will add a list and with some pictures of specific ingredients below:

  • Oil
  • Water
  • Salt

1 Chicken.jpg

  • Chicken

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  • Ginger garlic paste


  • Yee mee (noodles)


  • Fish ball (in top right bowl)
  • Fish cake (in top right bowl)
  • Tauhu (in bottom right bowl)


  • Prawns (after cleaning them up)


  • Spring onion (as shown in the small bowl).
  • Mustard greens vegetable (as shown in the yellow bowl)

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  • Anchovies stock cube


  • Bird'e eye chili


2 boiling.jpg

First of all, boil the yee mee with some water in a pot like in the picture above. Yee mee is usually hard before cooked. Hence, boiling helps to make it soft so that it is edible.


Then strain it and take the noodles out like this.


Prepare a large pot and add some oil in it. Once the oil heats up, add some ginger garlic paste and let it cook until it turns brownish. Then, add the chicken pieces and mix them well. The ginger garlic paste helps to flavour the chicken and the soup. Since chicken is going to take longer to cook compared to other ingredients, it is best to add it into the pot in the beginning.

3 prawns.jpg

After the chicken turn slightly golden in colour, add the prawns and mix the ingredients. Then add salt to taste. Mix the ingredients again. After a good mix, cover the pot with a lid and let it cook for a minute.

4 fish ball.jpg

Next, add the fish ball and fish cakes. Add the taufu as well. Keep mixing all the ingredients well.

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Then, add some spring onions and mustard greens vegetable as well. Mix all of the ingredients well and then cover the pot with a lid for a minute to let it cook.

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Remove the lid off and mix it again. After that, add some water based on the amount of soup that you want. Don't add too much though to retain the flavours. Mix it and then add the anchovies stock cube. It will melt into the soup and take the flavour of the soup to the next level.


To add some spicy taste, make a small bowl of chilli infused soy sauce by mixing some chopped bird's eye chilli with soy sauce (a condiment). The noodles can be eaten with this.

Yee Mee Thumbnaul.jpg

To serve, add some yee mee to a bowl that has some depth to contain some soup. Then, add the soup to the yee mee. Garnish with some spring onions on top if you like. Yee Mee Soup is ready!

The above is my full cooking video with ingredients stated as well. It is quite short, so do check it out if you are interested in trying Yee Mee Soup. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel if you like my content.


Thank you for dropping by and I hope that you have a great day ahead =)

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