My New Book, "Revolutions", Is Now Available on Amazon :)

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)



Brave New Week, Friends

I’m happy to announce that my new book, “Revolutions”, is now available on Amazon ( & will keep you posted of Kindle edition).

Revolutions of the Heart is a genre-bending book where literature, social activism, and mysticism intersect. In this follow-up to my first essay collection, Trial by Ink: From Nietzsche to Bellydancing (2010), I am undergoing an inner change, as is the world around me.

The multifaceted meditations in Revolutions--essays, poems, aphorisms, conversations, and even fiction--explore the edifying power of art, Islamophobia and its antidotes, the Egyptian Revolution and its aftermath, American popular culture, and much else in our complex modern world.

On a political level, as the work of an immigrant and Muslim (living in Trump's divided America and our wounded world), Revolutions is a book of hope and healing, arguing for nuance and compassion, as it attempts to present art as a form of cultural diplomacy and tool for transformation.


If you decide to order a copy & enjoy it can I, please, ask you to leave a short review on Amazon, as it raises the book's visibility.

In these days of lockdown, without a proper book launch, every little thing helps...

Thanks, for your support & I wish you success in your endeavors!

Front page and cover.jpg

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