#PRE Presearch is a Decentralized Search Engine

in GEMS3 years ago

Presearch is a community-powered, decentralized search engine that provides better results while protecting your privacy and rewarding you when you search.

We believe that the best way to compete with the massive, centralized and monopolistic corporation that currently dominates search is to build a framework that enables people from all over the world to collaborate to build an open and decentralized search engine.

Our Key Differentiators:

Community Project

Community members can actively participate in the project using Presearch community chat groups, contributing open source packages to our source code repository, or simply as users or promoters helping build usage and awareness

Decentralized Platform

Presearch is now preparing to release its first decentralized technology – a new search engine experience that runs on node servers operated by Presearch community members.

Better Search Results

The new Presearch Engine offers results that are as good as the world’s top search engines. It also provides an additional layer of data through community packages which makes those results even better. For example, you can search Presearch for “Bitcoin” to see what the crypto package looks like. Over time, there will be additional results provided by a user-curated supplementary index.


In addition to better results, Presearch also protects your privacy because it does not track you or store your searches, and queries are handled by a decentralized network of node servers processing anonymized queries.


As a Presearch community member, you earn Presearch reward tokens when you search, when you operate a node, and when you refer others to join Presearch. There will be other opportunities to earn rewards as the project evolves further.

A New Kind Of Advertising Model

In addition to offering users a great search experience, Presearch is dedicated to creating significant value for marketers who would like to reach Presearch users. Advertisers can stake their PRE to a keyword, and whichever advertiser stakes the most tokens will have its ads displayed when a user searches on the term selected. Advertisers confer the most external value on PRE, so their success is very important to the ecosystem.




Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 68014.74
ETH 3533.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81