Crazy Russian Daching 5.0 (Photos + How-To Video)

in GEMS4 years ago

A very warm welcome, Steemians and GEMS!

This story accommodates photographs and a video from two days I was working on my dacha (a Russian word meaning a country house) at Samara, Russia. On May 14th and 18th, 2020.


Together with a friend who is helping me daching we arrived early and noticed these beautiful very small pears ('grushi' in Russian) growing right from blossoms.


Then I started to chop bushes and burn them cleaning the overgrown space of the garden.


The lily of the valley plant ('landysh'), or Convallaria majalis, growing and blossoming near to a shed.


I spotted the Coprinellus micaceus mushrooms, also called 'navozhnik mercayushiy' in Russian.


This is our healthy lunch ('obed'), made of flakes and grains adding fresh yoghurt. The folding spoon is made of titanium and is produced under the Keith brand name.


Then I had hard time uprooting large trees with a hatchet and a crowbar.


These are small cherries ('vishni') also growing from their blossoms.


I did cut the trees and bushes until the very late time, burning them at the same time to clean the land.


These are small gooseberries ('kryzhovnik'). Photographed under the light of the high CRI flashlight Lumintop FW3A w/ Nichia LEDs.

Finally, please do watch the above video on how I sharpened the garden axe, which is constantly needed while doing such heavy-duty work.

These are two physical activities I added onto Strava, for working on the dacha:

And that's it for today, Steemians!

Thank you for reading, moving full Steem ahead!

Do you have any comments, questions, suggestions? Do not hesitate to post!

Yours, Valerian

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