
in GEMS3 years ago


Original photo, no filter. Pretty neat shadows here in this shot, had to position the camera just right to make sure the sun light was peaking over my shoulder onto the object in place. Made sure to stand between the flower and the sun thus casting the different shadows you're seeing here. Soft white and lavender petals that felt like tissue, the photo was taken in the morning so there was still dew on the flowers. The center of the flower is filled will the yellow that will blossom over the coming months. Only eight days away from summer but who's counting? Not me. Most the shots I've been taking lately have been bold and vibrant so it's nice to post something a little more soft and chill. Sometimes I like to go for the in your face kind of photo, other times I like them to be more reserved where the viewer has to spend some time actually observing before jumping to conclusions.

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