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RE: Sublime and beautiful Nature

in GEMS4 years ago

Yes I think that both sides have beaten their chests and thrown stones, now its time for them to sit and talk and lets hope they can come to some form of agreement


in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, which is kind of !DERANGED when you think about it


Pennsif has posted a video about a meeting between Justin and witnesses ( I didn't listen much, because I'm at work, but all I can see is that this morning there have been 7 of our witnesses in the top 20 and now there are only 3 left. So I'm as confused as I was before.

Anyway, I have some other things to do after work and if I have time later I'll go on the blockchain and maybe I'll make a post.

A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up from my !DERANGED dreams 😉

I will try and listen to it a little later, have things I want to get done this morning ;)

Have a great day

in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, which is kind of !DERANGED when you think about it

You also have a great day 👍🙂

A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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