Life as a novel. Anton Manuilovich Devier (Anton de Vieira)

in GEMS4 years ago


Did I read the Wikipedia article for sure? Wasn't it a novel by Alexandre Dumas?

I took a peek at Wikipedia after I discovered a new monument while walking. It was installed in the square on the corner of Marat Street and Zvenigorodskaya Street. Who's that? The Musketeer of the Guard? The Cardinal's Guardsman? The Hussar? An open, inspired face, a hard chin, penetrating glance.


I was very surprised when I read the sign on the pedestal: "Anton Manuilovich Devier, the first police general of St. Petersburg". You will understand my surprise if you remember that in those distant times the police were supervising the city economy. The police department issued permits for the construction of buildings and paving of streets, monitored land reclamation works and garbage disposal. Anyway, these aren't the same people who walked with a sword everywhere!

Unknown author, 18th century, Hermitage Museum. Public domain.

Devier's biography was very unusual. He was born in Holland or Portugal (there are good reasons for and against both versions). The date of birth can only be called very approximately, 1678 plus or minus five years. Devier has met the Russian emperor Peter I in 1697, has been noticed and invited to serve in Russia.


The career of the former junga of the Dutch fleet in Russia went up fast. In 15 years, he managed to reach the rank of Adjutant General. But then love intervened. Devier fell in love with Menshikov's sister, Anna Danilovna. Count Menshikov, one of the closest associates of Peter I, treated Devier with dislike, and did not consent to the marriage. The Emperor intervened in person and insisted that the wedding ceremony be held. Menshikov did not forget this humiliation. He could only take revenge on his hated son-in-law after the Emperor's death. It took him 15 years to wait.


In 1727 Anton Devier was arrested on a trumped-up charge, deprived of the nobility, title, estates and exiled to Siberia. Devier lived in Siberia for 15 years. For the first 12 years he lived in a sparsely populated village 800 kilometers away from the nearest big city in Yakutsk. After that, Devier was appointed head of the port of Okhotsk. With his energetic actions in this position, Devier attracted the attention of the Empress, was pardoned and returned to St. Petersburg. Devier received back the title of Count and some estates, as well as the position of Police Master General. But his health was compromised, so Devier resigned and soon died.

CameraPentax K-r
LensPentax SMC FA 35mm f/2.0
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

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