Gas masks and kerogases

in GEMS4 years ago


I took the top photo not the other day, as you might think, but almost a year ago, it was July 2019. We will hardly know why the authors of graffiti chose this very cover of the children's magazine.I guess they thought the picture was funny. Maybe they thought it was a good illustration of the changes that have taken place in almost 100 years.


I wanted to show you the original image in the best possible quality and found a scanned magazine on the Internet. As it turned out, there was no need in this search, the graffiti is very accurate and looks better. But if you are interested, you can see the magazine on his site, not only the cover, pages there too. Search query: "Мурзилка | №4 1931"


Murzilka magazine was a children's magazine in the Soviet Union. This magazine was published since 1924 and was intended for younger children, aged 6 to 12 years.


To make it easier to imagine the conditions under which this magazine was published and read, I supplemented this post with photographs of the everyday life of the time. I took these photos at an exhibition in the History Museum of St. Petersburg in January this year. Their quality is smartphone, I just took a few pictures to remember them, but then I realized that they perfectly complement the graffiti on the cover of the magazine.


In the pictures you can see the kitchen of the communal apartment - each mistress has its own table, each table has its own kerogas; corner for washing; bed on an armored net with a slide of pillows; clock-wheels with kettlebells on the wall; chest of drawers under a lace napkin and porcelain figures, reminiscent of carefree life, stand on the tabletop of the dresser.


SmartphoneXiaomi Redmi 3
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

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