Understanding Acts in the Film Making Process

in GEMS4 years ago



The film is a series of moving images whose stories are told to the audience. So it can be understood that there is a way of speaking in it. This way of speech is called the dramatic structure of a film. Films without structure will make the essence of the story conveyed unclear and undirected.


Some people, think the story and structure are the same. But actually, these two things are very different. The story is a collection of actual events, while the structure is the form or the way the story is told. Contains a collection of events that are interconnected between one event and another. If we analogize, a collection of puzzles is a collection of stories. The way you arrange the puzzle into a whole and understandable form is called structure. Good structure, when the events that appear right in a scene that can arouse the emotional involvement of the audience.

Likewise with the structure in a film that contains a collection of events that are told. In building a dramatic structure, each event that is told must be more attractive in the story element. The events arranged, increasingly increasing towards the dramatic peak called the climax of the film. Usually the climax, placed before the film's ending.

Dramatic values ​​usually fluctuate along the flow of the film. When it comes down, it's called Realese, which gives the audience a chance to catch their breath. After the Realese incident, the dramatic value returned to a high point called Tension. Then Realese went back down and followed by Tension. This event continues to repeat until it reaches the climax of the film.


Three-Round Pattern

Preliminary round.

The initial round is usually synonymous with Opening, Beginning and Set Up. The purpose of this round is to describe the geography, introduce the cast, character and motivation. In this round, a conflict of problems that will be experienced by the figures has also been introduced, but it has not yet been resolved.

Middle Round

The middle round is identical to Middle and Development. The purpose of this round is to build conflicts or obstacles, the character's character development and deeper introduction to the characters. In this round, the packaging of the conflict must be really interesting, so that viewers continue to enjoy the course of the film. We must bring up deep tensions in each scene.
This round is also known as the film intermission which shows that the conflict is getting more complicated before reaching the settlement round. This is where the climax appears before heading to the final round in a groove.

Final Round

The final round is identical to Ending film and Resolution. In this round, there has been a process of resolving the conflicts that occurred before. Here the audience must also find a satisfying film ending and be able to digest the entire contents of a film.
In general, the completion of a film ends with a story that ends sadly (unhappy ending) and can also end with a happy story (happy ending). However, there are also some indie films that package the ending by 'hanging', with the intention of involving the audience to imagine each of the film's ending. In addition there is also a film that regulates the set ending in such a way by the director without giving the audience freedom to imagine the ending of the film according to the viewer himself.

The three acts above do not only apply to movies. But, in other literary works also apply these elements in the story line.


Thus an explanation of the stages in the process of making films, hopefully useful and maybe you can develop your own if you have other opinions.


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