Future: A reality or illusion?

in GEMS4 years ago


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Future is a dream and like every dream it may it may not come to pass.

We all have aspirations, things we want to achieve, dreams we want to see become realities. While we are contemplating and working on these dreams, the future draws nearer.

Future is a period of time and time yet to come. This time may or may not happen.

As young kids, our parents and teachers started asking us what we want to be in future. Some gave us examples like careers, others look into marriages.

The world believe in the future so much that they expect every human being to believe in it.

Growing up, a child is faced with a massive confusion of what he/she wants to make out of life. As young as he/she is, his/her parents are already asking him/her future decisions. A child who can barely wash his/her own cloth.

They link future aspirations to planning such that once you know what you wish to become in future, you can plan towards it.

If you wish to be a lawyer, there are subjects you must give more attention, to meet the criteria to be admitted in the university. So a child is already limited to certain subjects because they are in line with his/her future objective.

A teen looks at the types of relationships he/she sees in the society and congregation. He/She form opinion on how his/her future marriage would look like. He/She has an idea of her future husband/wife. What the man/woman must look like, what he/she must like, an educated or non-educated, the career path his/her partner must pick.

After that, the teens look at the number of children they wish to have in future, how many males/females. They even consider the career path they would love their children to choose.

The future is something that occupies the mind of man beyond anything he can think of. Some will even argue that a man without a future is not a man. So future is something everyone is expected to look forward to.


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This futuristic thinking makes us forget that we are human beings and only present is certain and not today.

By present, i mean you can only talk of this moment as real because next second, minutes or hour is not certain and not yours.

Human life is designed in a way that it can be taken any moment and forgotten.

What i don't understand is why we worry and plan so much about a future that may never come?

What gives you the assurance that you will see the next minute, hour and talk more of day? Why are you so concerned about a tomorrow that has not yet come?

Why bothered so much about a future plan that you forget present plan? Why look beyond and far when today is already here and you haven't even make the best use of it?

In case you don't know, your life now is definitely not how you envisioned it to be few years ago. Don't forget easily that this is a future of some things you viewed years back. So how far is it working? Is it according to your plans?

Future always passes us without us even paying attention. It rolls out every minute, day.

Today, i am writing this post. Before writing it, it was in the future. Immediately i drop it, it belongs to the present but after few minutes, it will turn to my past. In this circle of past and future, something is constantly looking at my face asking me to make use of it and that is my present.

No matter how you look at it, today matters more than unseen future. In fact, whatever you do today will give birth to that future. So focus on present and let future take care of itself. The more you give it attention the more you are likely to be disappointed if things didn't go as planned.

The ball is now in your court to decide if future is worth your worries and sleeplessness or you should focus on today which matters most.

Your take on my opinion would be highly appreciated. Kindly use the reply button below.

Thanks for your time.

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