Nathula pass Snow fall photography of Gangtok.

in GEMS4 years ago

Nathula is the famous mountain pass of Himalaya. It is situated in gangtok, east sikkim. When i went to gangtok then some of my friends suggest me to see nathula pass must. I stayed at hotel in mg road, Gangtok. Nathula pass is 35 kilometer far from mg road. We rent a car and reached nathula pass. It had taken 1 and half hour to reach there. Because due to snow fall and ice capped road.

I am not a professional photographer but i was unable to hold myself for capturing magnificent beauty of mountain. We were five friend together went to nathula pass in january. That day temperature was - 7 degree. We are not comfortable with this weather. In my country, we often see hot and warming weather. That was the first time for me to see snow fall. I can not express my feelings. I thought i am seeing heaven by my eyes.

Before 2016, that pass was very restricted area and that time only Indian citizen could visit. I am a foreigner so, we had taken permission from sikkim government for visiting nathula. Whole sikkim is under controlled by sikkim government. Smoking and Split is strictly prohibited.If i smoke in open place then i have to pay fine 500 rupees.



We rented this car for visit nathula.

Nathula area is basically border area between India and China. If i compare with any other place then nathula pass is slight cheap area of hotel rent,food cost and transport cost. You can see there varieties people of varieties race. Nepalies,chinies, Bhutanies etc.


I tried to captured sky view with mountain.


We all friend together.


Another sky view with mountain.



Ice covered wood peace.


I felt i was in Heaven.


Can not express first time feeling of seeing snow fall and ice capped mountain.

Some photography captured by Canon 3d. And some captured by HTC desire 830 mobile camera.

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