Are We Complicating Life More and More With Each Passing Year?

in GEMS4 years ago


With everything happening in the world and the state of gloom and doom that is seen all around today, one can't help but ask, "What kind of world have we ended up building for ourselves?"

Human life, it seems, has never been more complicated than what it is today. Everyone lives with mountains of burdens on their shoulders. Peace has become a distant dream. Smiles are forced and unnatural.

Of course, I realize that not everyone has the same experience. But enough people do that we need to ask some serious questions to our own selves. How did we come to this?

How did we manage to build a civilization that is so advanced that it can send a robot to a different planet with precision and yet it's humans are leading ever more complicated lives? How come we experience more moments of grief and sorrow rather than moments of happiness?

Days Gone By

When you talk to your grandparents, you realize how simple life used to be just a few decades ago. Back then, you could come home after a day of work and enjoy true happiness with your family. There were no lingering troubles that followed you home.

Life wasn't impregnated by technology and people spent more time with each other in contrast to us who spend more time with our smart devices. People could have a heart to heart conversation back then without a silly notification coming in the way.

In our bid to become more advanced as a species, have we actually gone back a few steps? Also, did we pay a heavy price for all that progress? It sure seems that way.

I don't know what it would take to make things simple again. Maybe things will never be that way again. Maybe we will keep making life more and more complicated with each passing year. Maybe that's what humanity is destined to be like.

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