A planet outside the solar system rains its liquid iron

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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On the surface of a new planet more than 600 light years away from Earth, the strangest rain falls due to the sharp difference in temperature on the surface of the planet. Numerous strange phenomena have been observed by scientists on the surface of the newly discovered planet.

Researchers have discovered a planet believed to be rainy iron sky, so temperatures on its surface reach 2400 ° C, which leads to the evaporation of minerals from one side.

A planet that is about 640 light-years away from Earth could have a day that is a permanent day with temperatures at 2,400 ° C and the other side a cooler and more permanent night.

And the high temperature causes the metal to evaporate on this side, then it is moved by the wind to the other side, which is always dark. And due to the low temperature on the dark side, there will be an intensification of these minerals, which then fall like rain from iron, according to a report published by the British newspaper "The Independent".

"We can say that it rains on this planet at night, but it is rain of iron," the newspaper quoted David Arenraich, from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and supervisor of the research team that reached the planet, as saying. The researchers called the new planet "WASP-76b"

This planet is twice the size of Jupiter. It belongs to a type of planet called a gas giant planet.




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Wow rain of iron

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