NG's Recipes 27 - Slice Cutlet/ Vegan Omelette.

in GEMS4 years ago

The human spirit continues to innovate during lockdown. Running out of stuff in the super markets and at home. Well if the mind is imaginative we can make amazing things sitting right at home.

Yes it does help if you have time at hand. While cooking may not take long it does take a bit of time to research and technically create a new dish you have never made. Also the person needs to have some idea on how the spices flavour various items.

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Today I will teach you how to reuse bread sides that many of us tend to discard. In many cases it may be planned, however a lot of households especially with kids tend to discard the sides of the breads.

Today will teach you how to make something out those bread sides and make it real yum!

I call it a sliced cutlet. Since its very close to a dish i used to enjoy in kolkata called cutlet. Its an Anglo-Indian innovation that has now become part of staple Bengali diet. Bengal is a province in the eastern part of India. Its culture is known for its gastronomical delights.

Needless to mention the dish is both tasty and healthy. And one can also add meat to the fillings if that's part of their diet. In this dish i have used Cottage cheese. If your Vegan you can replace with Tofu. However even tofu is optional. This is an as you go make it up kind of recipe. So the sky's the limit.

It tastes a lot of like an Omelet. So i call it a vegan omelette :)

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White Bread slices
1 cup besan
1.5 tbs rice flour
1/2 capsicum chopped
1 small tomato chopped
1 medium Onion Chopped
1/2 carrot grated
100 gms grated cottage cheese / Tofu if Vegan
10-15 leaf stalks Coriander leaves.
1/2 tsp of Baking soda.
1 Cup Water
Cooking Oil

To Taste

Red Chilli
Other Spices

The Recipe

First cut the centers of the bread slices out of them and set aside.

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Mix the besan and rice flour with some water. Make sure its nice and viscous. It should NOT be too runny.

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Keep some vegetables and cheese mix ( 30%) aside for garnishing.

Add the remaining vegetables, cottage cheese/tofu and spices to taste. Mix Well.

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Add the baking soda into the batter.

Heat a pan with a pinch of cooking oil.

Put the cut out outer edge of the bread into a pan.

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Fill it with the batter. Garnish with some of the vegetables.

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Pour some drops of oil around the bread edge to ensure it fries well and does not stick.

Gently now push in the cut out part. ( This is optional you can do this without the center part as well)

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Gently Flip it. This is important. Make sure it does not break or the vegetables don't leak out.

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Cover with a lid and let it cook for 3-4 mins.

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Flip a couple of times. If you like a nice brown fried texture, Use a bit of oil and fry a bit more.

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And there you go tasty healthy wholesome snack for the family. If made in good quantities this can be a meal. You can serve this with ketchup, sandwich spreads and dips. You can also use these slices to further innovate and make sandwiches out of them. How filling and yom would that be 😋

If you wish to know anything about indian dishes, do reach out via the comments. I will try my best to share.

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